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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is with both regret and appreciation that after 8 years of admirable service with Relationship Matters, I announce Janet Jukes OAM departure as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of our organisation. Since 2014 Janet has played a critical role in the improvement, growth and success of our organisation, and while we will miss her leadership, we wish her the best of luck in her new endeavour as CEO of Refuge Victoria.  

Over the next few months, our Board will be undertaking a search to find a new CEO for Relationship Matters. During this transition period, it is our priority to find the best person to lead, while still maintaining a stable and effective organisation. We are appointing Ann Smith as the Acting/Interim CEO who will be working closely with the Board throughout this time. If have any questions or concerns during this transition process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ann who will liaise with me and the Board.  

Janet’s resignation is effective July 1st, 2022. Again, we cannot thank Janet enough for her incredible commitment, passion, enthusiasm and motivation she has shown the Relationship Matters over the past 8 years. Her remarkable leadership and role modelling will be deeply missed by the staff, Board, members and partners alike. On behalf of everyone at Relationship Matters, I wish her success with all her future endeavours and activities in our sector.  

Yours sincerely,

James McCarthy OAM
Relationship Matters

New Geelong Office Launch

On June 29 Relationship Matters will celebrate the establishment of our own property and services out of 112 McKillop Street, Geelong. We will be having a launch with the presence and blessings of The Right Reverend Kate Prowd – Bishop of Oodthenong Episcopate. Our program offerings at this site initially will be Family & Relationship Counselling and Dispute Resolution with a view to having some select education programs running at the site in the future.  We look forward to strengthening our services to the Geelong and surrounding communities. 

Commencement of My Mental Health Matters

My Mental Health Matters provides mental health counselling and therapeutic group work.  It is:
NEW – this division of Relationship Matters launched at our Melbourne office this week and is now open for business.
QUALITY ASSURED – building on Relationship Matters’ 75 year history of supporting Victorians, it is staffed by Registered Psychologists and other accredited Allied Mental Health Professionals
AFFORDABLE – GP or private referrals are both possible, as we provide Medicare rebates or private health cover where eligible.  Bulk billing is even available in some circumstances.
ACCESSIBLE - Our services are offered to individuals inclusive of sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, religion and ability.  Furthermore, our organisation is Quality Innovation Performance (QIP) and Rainbow tick accredited.If you, your clients, friends or family would like support with any of the experiences below, this could be the service for you:
• Anxiety
• Anger management
• Behavioural issues
• Relationship issues
• Depression
• General issues
• Stress
• Grief and loss
• Sleep issues
• Trauma recovery

For more information, please refer to our website at or call (03) 8650 6240.
If you are a GP and would like to refer your patients, simply email the Mental Health Treatment Plan to

FRSA National Conference 2022

FRSA National Conference 2022 – Together we can: Connect, Innovate, Transform – captured the spirit, resilience and adaptivity of the family and relationship services sector and was held in Adelaide, 16-19 May 2022.

Relationship Matters Leadership attended and presented two papers: 
Structuring the group experience: A format for designing online psychoeducational groups and connecting with separated parents – presented by Cath Tregillis 

Organisational partnerships in action - the Rainbow Door Pilot presented by Matt Needham.

Family Dispute Resolution

Our services include Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) for children and property matters, we also offer child inclusive practice and legally assisted FDR.  As well as FDR we work with other family members and members of the community to help resolve issues and improve relationships. 

Relationship Learning

  • Sea Change Anger Management for Women - This is an online 6-week course for women who are interested in exploring issues and concerns around recognising, expressing and managing strong emotions. Delivered by experienced group facilitators in a safe and respectful space. Find out more
    Next program starts 27th July 2022 (9.45am-12pm)
  • Roadworthy for Dads – This 9-week online program is specifically designed with Dads in mind, and caters for dads of babies through to young teenagers. You will discover what it means to be a father, and to develop a positive parenting style. Find out more
    Next program starts 1st September 2022 (5.30-7.30pm).
  • Tuning in to Kids – This 6-week online parenting program helps to recognise, understand and manage your own and your children’s emotions. It teaches parents how to tune into their children’s emotions and build their emotional intelligence. Find out more
    Next program starts 4th August 2022 (10am-12pm).
  • Tuning in to Teens – This 6-week online program for parents of teens, helps parents to communicate more effectively with their teen, understand their teen better, and develop skills to manage difficult emotions. Find out more
    Next program starts 12th July 2022 (5.30-7.30pm).
  • Keep Calm & Parent On! - This 4-week practical online parenting course explores the triggers of anger, alternative ways of reducing and managing your anger and understanding the connection between anger and stress.Find out more
    Next program starts 11th August 2022 (5.00-6.30pm)
  • Making Step Families Work – This 4-week online program explores what is different in step-families, the challenges and highlights of living in step-families, and provides an opportunity to explore the unique relationships between couples, children, ex-partners and extended family. Find out more
    Next program starts 14th July 2022 (5.00-6.30pm)
  • Parenting After Separation – The Parenting After Separation (PAS) program provides parents with key information and strategies to assist you and your children in successfully adjusting to separation and/or associated conflict. This is a court-ordered recognised program. Relationship Matters currently offers this program in self-guided format, or as a 6-hour Zoom program. Click here for future dates and information.
To register for any of the above please visit 

VicRoads Safe Driving Program

On behalf of VicRoads, Relationship Matters facilitate weekly Safe Driving Programs for people who have been convicted of speeding and who are required to undertake this program to enable them to gain their license back. We are currently trialing a mix of both online and face-to-face groups so that there are flexible options for those who reside regionally as well as those who are unvaccinated in the community.  
Relationship Matters is here to support you.
Counselling.Mediation. Relationship Learning
Visit more details or call 1300 543 396
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Relationship Matters 
Level 4, 255 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000.
Telephone: 1300 543 396
Fax: (03) 8650 6299

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