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How the COVID-19 pandemic affects breast cancer diagnosis and surgery

by breast surgeon, Deanna Attai, MD from UCLA

Tuesday, April 7, 2020
PM Eastern Time


Join us for this webinar presented by Deanna Attai, MD, breast surgeon from UCLA and a member of FORCE’s Scientific Advisory Board. Dr. Attai will present on how the pandemic may affect breast surgery decisions, and how healthcare professionals are responding to this changing situation in order to protect patients.


Please submit your questions in advance to Sandy Cohen at We will try to address them during the webinar.

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Who should attend? Individuals affected by hereditary cancer or increased risk, including previvors, survivors, caregivers, healthcare providers, advocates.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Dr. Attai will not be providing medical advice during this webinar. Please consult with your doctors to address your specific medical concerns.

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