It may come as a surprise to some, especially those with conventional medical training, but the default state of the body is one of ceaseless regeneration. Without the flame-like process of continual cell turnover within the body - life and death ceaselessly intertwined - the miracle of the human body would not exist. |
Fruit is not only enjoyable to eat -- as it should be, considering the very word fruit stems from the Latin word frui, meaning "to enjoy, use" -- but it also nourishes and protects the body with powerful, built-in medicinal activity. Fruits are by design a "perfect food," intended to entice animals to consume them in order to help disseminate their seeds, for instance. |
We're thrilled to announce that Sayer Ji will be attending and speaking at the National Health Federation (NHF) Conference—the original health freedom organization and one of the most tireless advocates for medical choice and wellness sovereignty. 📍 EVENT DETAILS: 📅 March 14-16, 2024 📍 Dallas, Texas Let’s make history together! SAVE $50 WITH CODE 'SAYER' As the founder of, co-founder of Stand for Health Freedom, and now the co-founder and chairman of the Global Wellness Forum, my mission is to unite national and international efforts to ensure that health, wellness, choice, and parental rights are forever protected. NHF has been fighting this battle for decades, and this event brings together the brightest minds in health freedom to share powerful insights. Sayer will be speaking and engaging with fellow freedom fighters throughout the event. This is more than just a conference—it’s a movement. If you care about your health freedom, your right to informed choice, and the future of wellness, this is where you need to be. |
Legalize Naturopathy in Florida, again! Everyone deserves the freedom to choose natural healthcare. 🗣️ Your voice is crucial! Tell legislators to support this bill and protect medical freedom. 📢 Take action now: Let’s stand for health freedom and choice! |
Looking for a product we featured in the newsletter over the past few years? No problem! You'll probably find it in the Regenerate Project store. We can continue to find the best natural wellness products available both there and at our brand new If it‘s included, we’ve vetted it. Another wonderful thing is most of our partners are providing special pricing just for YOU, our beloved tribe, through our store! |