Thrifty Tips (April 27, 2019)
If you are tuning up your lawn mower or other gas powered equipment for summer yardwork, be sure to recycle the old oil properly. Today's featured post tell you how do just that. If you have any advice to add, please share it with us.

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Today's Featured Post

Recycling Used Motor Oil

By littergitter

Recycling Used Motor Oil - soda bottle funnel in milk jugIt's grass mowing and garden plowing time. When my husband is going to change the oil in the mowers or tractor, I save a plastic soda bottle and a gallon milk jug, that has a top that screws on, for him to use to put the oil into.

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Today's Guides
Cleaning Dolls
Doll and stuffed animals in a washing machine.
Make Your Own Disinfectant Wipes
Plastic wipes box.
Repairing a Recliner
Repairing a Recliner
Maintaining a Backyard Swimming Pool
A man cleaning his backyard pool.
Grilling Pork
Pork Chop on the grill.
Repelling Insects
Mosquito Repellent
Today's Posts

Marking the Sprayer on your Kitchen Faucet

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

A faucet with a multifunction sprayer on the end, with markings in Sharpie.I recently replaced the normal head of the faucet with one of those that you can change from one to the other. Sometimes I want the stream for filling water bottles, etc. Then sometimes I want the sprayer to clean the sink. But I don't want the sprayer when I want to fill a bottle and I too often forget which setting it's on.

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Heart in the Trees

By pertyt3

A heart shape in the sky because of the treeline and branches.I decided to go for a walk on my lunch break. I'd never been to this park before. But it was calm and relaxing. During my walk I happened to notice this beautiful shape of a heart in the trees and at the base was a nest. It sent me a message to love life. And to keep my eyes open to the beauty around me.

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DIY Privacy Screen for Windows

By 15mhhm15

DIY Privacy Screen for Windows - in placeWith simple everyday items: cardboard/box, painter's tape, trash bag, scissors/box cutter, and measuring tape - you could make your own privacy screen for your window.

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Cheese Roundwiches

By katrine2706

Cheese Roundwiches on plateGoing out on a pool party can be very exhausting especially if there are kids. So, we set up an inflatable and celebrated Easter Sunday at home instead. I made sandwiches for the kids to enjoy.

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Use Dense Styrofoam In Plant Containers

By likekinds

Styrofoam in plant potI grow many plants in containers, from small pots to 5 gallon buckets, and large recycle bins. A lot of these containers will get a layer of Styro chips before any soil or other medium is added.

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Upcycled Soda Bottle as Hanging Planter

Upcycled Soda Bottle as Hanging PlanterThis eco-friendly soda bottle hanging planter is simple to make and is a cute way to hang plants from your front porch. Check out this video for the step by step instructions.

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Dear Webby's Joke of the Day
"What kind of music do you sing?"


"Don't you mean 'a cappella', singing without instrumental accompaniment?"

"Nope. I mean 'aqua-pella', singing accompanied only by the water coming out of the shower-head."

Read More Jokes Here:

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Today's Questions
Duck Laid an Egg in Pool
This morning I found a duck egg on the step of my salt water pool! I wasn't sure what to do with it! I used the skimmer to move it out of the water and put it in the bed closest to where it was. Do you think it is alive still?
Back Windshield Washer Not Spraying
Why doesn't my back window sprayer spray? I have a 2010 Ford Escape Limited.
Identifying Black Bugs in My Bed
Identifying Black Bugs in My Bed - unclear photo of a black bug
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