Randy Russell, president of The Russell Group, and John Gilliland, a partner at Gilliland & McKinney International Counsellors, weighed in on a variety of complex issues – ranging from trade and immigration reform to climate change and tax policy.
2021 acreage estimates are rolling out, with some early estimates suggesting farmers plan to plant more corn this year. However, high fertilizer prices could play into some farmers’ decisions, if they haven’t already applied product on certain acres.
Attempting to use the legislative process to make things more difficult for animal agriculture is far from a new tactic for animal rights activist organizations, but things seem to be heating up in this area.
President Biden’s next proposal is a two-part $3-trillion package of sweeping policy priorities for infrastructure, clean energy, work force development and education spending as part of the president’s “Build Back Better” agenda.
Join Mitchell Hora and Millennial Farmer Zach Johnson as these two farmers take you on a tour of Hora’s Washington, Iowa, farm. Hora, founder of Continuum Ag, will show some of his cover crops and field trials in progress.