Here's what Substacks you're subscribed to have been recommending this week. |
| Alexis Madrigal of oakland garden club recommends | | A Walker in LA | Ask me your questions about LA, why it's uniquely broken, and what can be done to fix it. |
| Alexis Madrigal of oakland garden club recommends | | Strange Plants | Join me on an alluring and peculiar journey into the realm of Strange Plants, where we'll continue the conversations started in my books about how the bizarre and beautiful sides of nature are interpreted in art, as well as in other forms. |
| Alexis Madrigal of oakland garden club recommends | | The Window | Documenting and reckoning with the climate crisis. |
| Alexis Madrigal of oakland garden club recommends | | TCF Emails | A newsletter on sex, pop culture, and feminism written by Tracy Clark-Flory, a journalist and author. |