John, everything is spirit.
Including wealth… abundance… even cash.
The freedom money provides, like the opportunities it can create, are limitless.
Just look at what you can do with lots of money:
👉 Experience different countries, cultures, and customs. 👉 Develop products and services that make life better for others. 👉 Build a foundation that supports your favorite charities. 👉 Grow a business, create jobs, and preserve family wealth. 👉 Fund college scholarships for your kids, nieces and nephews.
Even making money just because it makes you happy is perfectly valid.
It's your life, John, and you are here to define it, create it, and fill it with meaning and joy—on your terms. 💚
Starting February 4, I'm teaching a 4-WEEK workshop series: Manifesting Money Miracles, sharing everything I’ve learned about creating wealth: how I thought, what I believed, the action steps I took… and how you can do the same. |