Best Tips (May 17, 2019)

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Today's Featured Post

Ready Bacon Anytime

By Donna

Ready Bacon Anytime - cooked bacon on a piece of parchment paperI see pretty expensive pre-cooked bacon in the stores now and decided to make it myself since I don't always have the time to make bacon for a quick, hearty breakfast.

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Today's Guides
Selling Homemade Greeting Cards
A woman making homemade greeting cards.
Identifying an Antique Clock
Identifying an Antique Mantel Clock
Determining the Value of Noritake China
Value of Noritake China
How to Make Paper Straw Tulips
Tulip Straw Flowers - repeat on other flowers
Getting Rid Of Honeysuckle Without Chemicals
How to Make a Rice Heat Bag
Warming Rice Bags
Today's Posts

Butterscotch Candy Beer Mug

Butterscotch Candy Beer MugThis is a fun craft for kids to make for their beer loving dads for Father's Day. Learn how to make it in this short video.

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