In a world of rapid geopolitical and economic shifts, the discussion on industrial policy has never been more critical. This report takes an extensive look at industrial policies in the EBRD regions and beyond. Such policies, which are aimed at changing the sectoral composition of production in an economy, have seen a resurgence in recent years, seeking to address increasingly pressing market failures such as environmental degradation. Their track record is mixed, with their growing popularity being shaped primarily by domestic political economy considerations and rising geopolitical tensions. While industrial policies are typically employed by higher-income economies, they are also being seen more frequently in economies with less administrative and fiscal capacity to implement them. | Watch the launch live! Ask questions during the event at #3251052 |
The discussion moderated by Richard Porter, EBRD Managing Director of Communications, features: Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate in economics and Professor at Columbia University Rana Foroohar, global business columnist and associate editor at the Financial Times Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Director of Bruegel, the European Unionâs economic think tank Beata Javorcik, EBRD Chief Economist |