Market-enabling technologies at the distribution level are likely a decade away in New York.
Rate Base It! A Primer on New York’s Distributed System Implementation Plans
Below is an excerpt from the latest REV State of Mind column. Join GTM Squared to access this full article as well as the deep Squared archives!
By Katherine Tweed

For many people, summer reading is paperback page-turners or fluff-filled magazines. For a handful of New York regulatory staffers and energy geeks, it is more than 1,500 pages of utility filings from New York’s regulated distribution utilities.

If your summer has been more about beach time than utility briefings and you’re feeling a bit behind, fear not. The regulatory tomes are informative, but not radical. They can be digested slowly. For those who have followed the investments California utilities have made in the past six years, you may notice a similar pattern to those investments taking off in New York.

The distributed system implementation plans, or DSIP filings as they’re known in wonky utility parlance, are both a current assessment of the utility’s system and a five-year roadmap.

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Although New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision proceeding has a bold goal of transitioning the utilities into distribution system platform (DSP) providers to manage a distributed energy resource marketplace in the future, the first DSIP filings stopped short of imagining that future. Join and read now.