
Zillow Incorrectly Thought It Could Run Housing Mkt

Therese Poletti, MarketWatch

Zillow Group had a wealth of data, access to millions in capital and executives with the hubris to believe they could use these tools to outsmart both a...

Federal Power Grab of Future of Stablecoins

Matthew Homer & Paul Watkins, RCM

The President's Working Group Report on Stablecoins is an important first step for federal regulators to develop a regulatory approach. Unfortunately, the report is a slap in the face to state regulators as it ignores their years of regulatory experience. The Report rests on the assumption that stablecoins are unregulated. This opinion appears widely shared in Washington DC, and has been expressed by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell, Treasury Secretary Yellen, and SEC Chair Gensler. In commenting on the Report the Acting Comptroller of the OCC, Michael Hsu, describes stablecoins as an...

FTC Wants to Control Work, Wealth & Prominence

Corbin Barthold, Law & Liberty

Corbin K. Barthold describes how the FTC has been transformed under Lina Khan and how this might be an opportunity for conservatives.

Elon Musk & the Dangerous Power of Insecure Billionaires

Paul Krugman, NYT

Somehow, wealth beyond imagining isn't enough.

Why Our Entertainers So Often Swing Left Wing

Reuven Brenner, RealClearMarkets

The media has been one of those institutions that in the past in the past was referred to as the "Fourth Estate" presumably because it was hold holding political and other institutions accountable. Many now accuse the press, Hollywood and academia of complacency in this regard; of having lost their way, and being on the "left." In one of his essays, George Bernard Shaw gave a completely different take on such a turn of events where he raised the question: "Have you ever wondered why I am a Communist?" His answer was: "Well, it is largely because of my sense of the great importance of...

More & More New Yorkers View Noise As Threat to Livability

Nicole Gelinas, CJ

More and more New Yorkers find noise a threat to livability.

What Happens When Monetary Big Data Is Corrupted by Money

Kim Iskyan, AC

The World Bank allowed the need to appease China to trump the objectivity of their findings, further eroding the public trust.

The Wheels Are Coming Off the Biden Economy

Steve Moore, Washington Examiner

A good friend who owns a major auto dealership in the Dallas area recently told me he typically has about 500 to 1,000 cars and trucks on his lot. Now, he has 15. That's how severe the supply chain problem has become.

The Democrats' Terrible, No Good, Very Bad SALT Change

Andrew Wilford, RCM

Eliminating the state and local tax (SALT) deduction cap was always the worst of Democrats' ideas for the long-awaited reconciliation package. While ideas like a billionaires' tax, letting the IRS snoop on regular Americans' bank accounts, and massive corporate and capital gains tax hikes are all awful, eliminating the SALT cap had the unique distinction ofactively working against the stated progressive goal of addressing wealth inequality. When crunch time came and Democrats had to figure out what their reconciliation package could realistically include, it should have been the first thing...

BlackRock's Larry Fink Shakes Big ESG Bucks from JB

Charles Gasparino, NYP

The revolving door between Washington and Wall Street always stirs passionate objections from progressive good-governance groups — except, it appears, when it involves corporate wokeism.

Facebook's Meta Is a Look Into Wildly Disturbing Future

Tiffany Li, MSNBC.com

Regardless of what name it goes by, the company formerly known as Facebook has many problems it must fix.

Green Jobs Are Cost, Not a Benefit

James Hanley, Am. Institute for Economic Research

"If we have decided to transition to clean energy for environmental reasons, then we should hope for clean energy that requires fewer jobs. That would be a real benefit." ~ James E. Hanley

Eyes on the Federal Reserve

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

Investors will be focused on the Federal Reserve this week and our expectation is that it will finally announce an overdue tapering of quantitative easing. In addition, we expect Chairman Jerome Powell to make it clear in the press conference that he expects tapering to be completed by mid-2022.Inflation is clearly a problem. The CPI is up 5.4% from a year ago. When October data arrive the year-ago comparison will likely be 5.7%, the largest increase since the early 1990s. Some of this is "transitory," but not all of it, not by a long shot. Housing rents were held down artificially until...

Cities With Highest Millennial Home Ownership

David Heacock, FilterBuy.com

Help Protect Your Position Using Stop Orders

Randy Frederick, Charles Schwab

Help protect your position. Stop orders may help you obtain a predetermined entry or exit price, limit a loss, or lock in a profit.

Eurozone Follows America's Lead: Econ Update

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

In which we look at Q3 GDP and October inflation.

Will Markets Dismiss Powell a la Lagarde?

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Which Stock Indices Did Best in Other High Inflation Times?

Jerry Bowyer, VF

There are lots of ways to classify stocks in various indices, but today let's look at them according to size, and their performance during high inflation.

What if Inflation Persists?

David Kastner, Charles Schwab

Sectors tend to have different reactions to sustained inflation.

Service Workers Are Paid More Than Ever. And It's Not Enough

Rani Molla, Vox

Service workers are getting paid more than ever. It's not enough.

The Great Resignation: Ignore Talk, Watch This Movie

Michael Bernick, Forbes

The "Great Resignation" is a main narrative today, with worker shortages. The 1976 movie, Lifeguard, now streaming on Amazon Prime, is a starting point for how to address these shortages.

Retirement Saving Strategies That Limit Your Sacrifice

Emily Brandon, U.S. News

The new year is an excellent time to start saving a little bit more for retirement. Preparing for retirement doesn't have to be a chore. A few small changes can result in a much bigger retirement account balance, given enough time to compound.

Can Supersonic Air Travel Be the Future Again?

Roy Furchgott, New York Times

The key to its revival may be a breakthrough in creating a quieter sonic boom. The challenges, though, are significant.

This Is Not a Pandemic of the "Unvaccinated"

Günter Kampf, Brownstone Institute

Some politicians speak about the "pandemic of the unvaccinated." Social cohesion should not be jeopardized over narrow and erroneous views.

To Save Face for Biden, Dems Grab for Unearned Income

Editorial, The Examiner

Joe Biden had one job. He inherited a rapidly recovering economy and three approved vaccines for the novel coronavirus. All he had to do was sit back and watch his presidency succeed.

When Rubio Criticizes Corp. America, Read Find Print

Steve Benen, MSNBC.com

Marco Rubio intends to champion the interests of working people by steering business leaders away from "woke" corporate values. That won't work.

Biden's Child Care 'Help' Would Be $13 Costly for Middle

Editorial, New York Post

Oy: It turns out the child-care provisions of the latest version of President Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" bill would utterly slam the middle class.

Why Dropping Paid Leave From $1.75T Plan Is Wise Move

Michael Tanner, Cato

Given the political pressure that progressives in particular are sure to bring to restore the measure before the plan comes to a vote, it's not entirely certain that the measure is dead. That's why it's important to understand why paid leave — as attractive as it may sound — could actually do more harm than good.

Biden's Gender Equity Plan Is An Insult to Women

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

With all the other problems in the country, is it time for an all-encompassing strategy on fixing a fictional gender inequality problem?

Shortages and Inflation Aren't Uniquely American

Paul Krugman, New York Times

Shortages and inflation aren't uniquely American problems.

An Unfortunate Situation Unfolding In Treasury Market

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

The Treasury market is a bit of a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma these days. We say that knowing that there has been a rampant repetition from corporate America about supply chain pressures, rising input costs, labor shortages, and price increases to help offset the higher costs of doing business.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Woke Week

John Cochrane, The Grumpy Economist

The institutions of civil society are now thoroughly politicized.

An 'Amazon' of Online College?

Robin Hanson, Overcoming Bias

In a future of online college classes (and tests), will we still have the same size colleges, or will much larger platforms take over?

The Loser's Curse

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Buying the fund industry's winners sure beats the alternative.

Should Jack Dorsey Ban Himself From Twitter?

Andrea O'Sullivan, Reason

A good way to know you're living through high inflation is when you're discouraged from talking about it.

Bitcoin's Trial of the Century Kicks Off in Miami

Cheyenne Ligon, CoinDesk

At the center of the case: the potential ownership of 1.1 million BTC.

Fear and Loathing in Cryptoland

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data

On FOMO in the crypto world and why decentralization and the Metaverse will change the world less than we think.

The Kinks vs. the People in Grey

Jesse Walker, Reason

Happy 50th birthday to Muswell Hillbillies, a concept album about nostalgia, conformity, and the evils of urban renewal programs.
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