
The Problem With America's Semi-Rich? They Are Miserable

Emily Stewart, Vox

America's upper-middle class works more, optimizes their kids, and is miserable.

Policies to Fix Wealth Inequality Sink All Boats

Jon Coupal, Pasadena Star News

Both Presidents Kennedy and Reagan repeated the saying that "a rising tide lifts all boats" to describe how a vibrant, free market economy benefits all citizens.

Well Overvalued Property In China: Int. w/Michael Petties

Mark Dittli, The Market

Beijing-based economist Michael Pettis sees the looming collapse of real estate developer Evergrande as a signal that China needs to fundamentally shift away from its investment-based growth model.

The Majesty of the Luxury Electric Ship Le Commandant

Jonathan Russo, Worth

Contributor Jonathan Russo recently set sail on the ship for its christening. Here's what travelers can expect.

Public Pension Crisis: Are Your Taxes Going to Rise?

Steve Forbes, What's Ahead

Government pension funds are in bad shape, and taxpayers could take the hit to make good on the financial shortfalls. Could your taxes be going up? Steve For...

Congress Should Have Gotten Rid of Debt Limit Long Ago

Mark Zandi, CNN

Since political optics will prevent lawmakers from ever getting rid of the debt limit, which is what they should've done decades ago, they should instead neuter it by doing away with the Senate's filibuster rule for it.

Misgivings I Had When I Sold My 2nd House

Christopher Baecker, RealClearMarkets

For just the second time, I sold a home last month. It's a good time to be on this side of the transaction, but I do have misgivings. I've always wondered if tax, regulatory and legal compliance professionals, as well as some investors, feel the same since they depend on government activism and largesse to make a living.

Why's Biden Trying to Make Banks IRS Tools?

Thomas Hoenig & Brian Knight, Hill

Those who care about the increasingly tight relationship between banks and the government should oppose this proposal.

Washington Should Quit All Its Budget Gimmicks

Steven Rattner, New York Times

Sometimes true costs are hidden by backloading them.

What September Jobs Tell—and Do Not Tell—Investors

Market Minder, Fisher

Friendly reminder: Jobs won't tell you much about the recovery's direction or policymakers' decisions.

PRO Act Could Fundamentally Alter American Workplace

Douglas Seaton, RCM

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act has attracted very little attention and even less scrutiny despite its authors' aim to fundamentally alter the American workplace by giving unions and government appointees unprecedented power over employers and employees, in many cases whether the employees want a union or not. Recent union defeats, like the failed attempt to organize an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Alabama, last spring, demonstrate how unnecessary and unwelcome unions are in most workplaces around the country. Employees everywhere have concluded they have a better...

The UK Should Never Have Locked Down At All

Toby Young, Brownstone Institute

This is a pretty feeble report that seems to have been written with an eye on getting Jeremy Hunt and Greg Clark – the chairs of the two select committees involved – on the BBC news rather than making a serious contribution to understanding what the Government got right and what it got wrong over the past 18 months.

Cities With Highest and Lowest Homeownership

David Heacock, FilterBuy.com

Income inequality has been a major social, political, and economic issue since the Great Recession, and the uneven effects of the COVID-19 economy has only made the gaps between America's haves and have-nots even starker. These divergent economic fortunes will continue to have a major effect on housing in the U.S.

Focus On Data, Not Spin

Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein, First Trust Advisors

GDP: Suddenly Not So Great Expectations

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Investment Expenses: What's Tax Deductible?

Hayden Adams, Charles Schwab

The IRS allows taxpayers various tax deductions for investment-related expenses if those expenses are related to producing taxable investment income. Do your expenses qualify?

'Transitory' Intends to Stick Around For a While

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Flavor of Weak: An End to Key Winning Streaks

Liz Ann Sonders, Charles Schwab

September's end brought some key winning streaks to an end courtesy of elevated risks associated with myriad economic, inflation and policy related uncertainties.

The Federal Reserve Has Another Problem On Its Hands

Pat O'Hare, Briefing.com

The Great Southwest Airlines Mandate Rebellion

Ron Paul,American Consequences

After thousands of canceled trips, it appears vaccine mandates don't fly with the pilots' union at Southwest Airlines.

A Nobel Prize Reminder That Facts Tilt To the Left

Paul Krugman, New York Times

A well-deserved Nobel reminds us why facts seem to have a liberal bias.

Joe Biden's OCC Wants to End Banking As We Know It

Kenneth Kalczuk, AIER

"Omarova is right to point out the deficiencies in central banking. Nonetheless, ending traditional banking to fix central banking would be like closing schools to improve student retention. There are easier ways forward." ~ Kenneth Kalczuk

Facebook's Outage Proved We Need It, Warts and All

Michael Cohen, MSNBC.com

Facebook has become for millions of people their primary tool for interacting with the world.

The Best and Worst Case Scenarios for Covid-19 This Winter

Dylan Scott, Vox

Why this winter should be better than the last one.

How About Some Coronavirus Data Transparency?

Editorial, Issues & Insights

One route to the truth would be a federal grand jury probe to determine if case and death counts have been inflated and are not reflective of reality

The Fed Dangerously Travels the 'Woke' Route

Quin Hillyer, Washington Examiner

MOBILE, Ala. — The Federal Reserve could become a threat both to liberty and to the economy it is supposed to safeguard.

Income Share Agreements As a Way of Financing College

Jordan Wicker, The Hill

Many young people seek ways to afford postsecondary opportunities to acquire practical training, certification or a professional degree.

So Far No One In High Office Has Endorsed the $1T 'Krugman'

Editorial, NYS

Now that Congress has kicked the debt ceiling down the road a few months, what of the idea of minting a $1 trillion coin made of platinum? Supposedly our leaders would smelt this trillion dollar slug from a bit of platinum and deposit it at the

The Trillion-Dollar Coin Scheme Explained By Its Inventor

Dylan Matthews, Vox

Let us now praise Beowulf, perhaps the most influential blog commenter of all time.

You Can Invest Very Well by Keeping Things Simple

Paul Brown, New York Times

You don't need a lot of mutual funds or exchange-traded funds to build a solid portfolio.

Trump Would Be Richer If He's Just Purchased the S & P

Dan Alexander, Forbes

Trump's fortune plunged at the outset of the pandemic, but unlike the overall stock market, his real estate empire hasn't come roaring back.

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Can Companies Buy Their Way Into The S&P 500?

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

This paper says yes.

Busting the Tech-Stock, Bond-Yield Connection Myth

Tom Lauricella, MStar

While rates matter to technology stock valuations, they haven't been driving performance.

Have We Entered A New Labor Market Paradigm?

Michael Farren, Reason

Is the problem government cash or have we entered a new paradigm?

Excuses, Excuses: Now It's Global Stilling??

Robert Bradley Jr, Master Resource

The present UK/EU energy crises, expected to head into the winter, have much to do with forced energy transformation from coal/natural gas to wind/solar. After looking the other way, the mainstream media now recognizes the problem but is offering excuses.

Small Cap Value Investing Is Not Dead

Larry Swedroe, The Evidence-Based Investor

Small value stocks have underperformed large growth stocks over the last ten years, leading some to conclude that value investing is dead. Are they right?

Why 0% Rates Make 0 Sense

Charlie Bilello, Compound Advisors

Where should interest rates be? Not 0%.

History of Sovereign Defaults & Debt Limits

Jamie Catherwood, Investor Amnesia

Throughout history, states and sovereign entities have utilized debt as a mechanism for control and influence, wielding the financial instrument like another weapon in their arsenal.
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