
Should 'Median Pay' Be $102,000? Gullible Reporters Think So

Aaron Brown, RCM

A recent report from Rand Corporation researchers has been making headlines with dramatic claims like median worker pay should be $102,000. Although the paper is technical, the $102,000 calculation is simple. The median full-year, full-time, prime age (FYFTPA) employee made an inflation-adjusted $47,000 in 1975 and $50,000 in 2018. But real per capital GDP rose almost 120% over that period, from around $26,000 to $57,000. If real median FYFTPA income had risen with per-capita gross domestic product, the median income would have been $102,000.

An Inalienable Right to Commerce

Peter Earle, American Institute for Economic Research

News over the last several days of a rise in Covid-19 infections raised concerns regarding a “second wave” of coronavirus infections; and in turn about new rounds of lockdowns and other restrictive measures. One could be forgiven for wondering why if stay-in-place orders, interstate movement restrictions, and other such tyranny didn’t scare off or confuse the virus in the spring and summer, they would suddenly prove effective in the fall. There are fewer people to infect now than in early 2020 (owing to immunities), and the most vulnerable are...

Relax, Hopefully Fall Asleep Early on Nov. 3rd

Joseph Calhoun, Alhambra Investments

The economic data over the last month continued to improve but the breadth of improvement has narrowed. Additionally, while most of the economic data series are still improving, the rate of change,?

Robinhood Investors Surprisingly Beating Stock-Market Pros

Mark Hulbert, MW

Individual investors as a group are doing better than most U.S. equity mutual funds

Did You Take Social Security Too Early? Get a 'Do-Over'

Aimee Picchi, USA Today

Social Security offers the choice to take the benefit as early as age 62 —an option that may appeal to more older Americans given high rates of unemployment in the pandemic. But some people may regret that decision if they resume working as the economy improves. Luckily, they may be eligible for a do-over. Recessions and a jump in early Social Security claims go hand-in-hand, according to research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Already, there’s evidence that some older workers are getting pushed into retirement, with a 7-percentage-point increase in the...

What If Things Were Made in America Again: A Man's Plan

Jonathan Russo, Worth

"When I had my 'lightbulb moment,' the realization that America which invented the lightbulb no longer made one, I also realized that the societal costs of offshoring manufacturing was disastrous," James A. Stuber told Worth.

WeChat Ban Shows U.S. No Longer Stands for Int Freedom

Paul Rosenzweig, Slate

In 2016, I thought that the U.S. decision to relinquish the last vestiges of its stewardship over the internet was a mistake. Now, I suspect I was wrong.

Disney and the Future of the American Economy

Douglas A. McIntyre, 24/7 Wall Street

If Disney is laying off 28,000 that is an ominous sign for the economy.

Who So Little Media Interest In Biden's Corrupt Bus. Dealings?

Ron Johnson, Fox

After we released our report on the sordid involvement of Joe Biden's family with corrupt foreign oligarchs and officials some media outlets reacted with exaggerated yawns.

Donald Trump, and the Picture of a Broken Tax System

Editorial, New York Times

Donald Trump's tax returns illustrate the profound inequities of the tax code and the shambolic state of federal enforcement.

Trump's Small Tax Bill Vindicates Him. The System Is Broken

John Avlon, CNN

Trump kept living a lavish lifestyle while losing millions of dollars, and parlayed it into becoming president, in part by assuring people he was a successful businessman. As this report shows, he isn't.

Will the Major Media Ever Probe Biden's Shady Business Dealings?

Editorial, I&I

A report drafted by two Senate committees raises serious issues about Biden family behavior.

Issues: Are Americans Prepared for Retirement?

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

The Narrative "At a time when about half of American households over the age of 55 have no retirement savings and one out of five seniors are trying to live on less than $13,500 a year, our job is not to cut Social Security. Our job is to expand Social Security so that everyone in this country...

A Political Roundup Beyond America's Borders

Market Minder, Fisher Investments

A look at what recent political developments in Italy, Canada and the UK mean for markets.

How Stocks Do Around The First Debate

Ryan Detrick, LPL Financial Research

Market Blog The first presidential debate is tonight, September 29, with millions of people expected to tune in to see how each candidate handles the pressure. With tensions heightened amid an elec?

Reasons to Stay the Course as the Election Approaches

Various, Charles Schwab

Why investors should focus on their financial plans in the run-up to the 2020 election.

A Look Ahead to This Week's Economics Reports

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Navigating NYC Out Of Covid Financial Crisis

E.J. McMahon, Manhattan Institute

Exploring the history of NYC's past budget crises, restoring the FCB's authority over spending could help deliver the city out of this Covid crisis.

Covid-19: Facts vs. Phobia

Richard Salsman, InterMarket Forecasting Inc.

Socialism & Human Gullibility

Donald Boudreaux, American Institute for Economic Research

Art Carden is correct: Kristian Niemietz’s 2019 book, Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Diesis superb. Yet it’s also deeply depressing. Of course Niemietz’s recounting of the immiseration and often murderous tyranny unleashed by socialism is dismaying. But to anyone who is reasonably informed, the fact that socialism has an unbroken record of calamity and authoritarianism isn’t news. The most depressing feature of Niemeitz’s volume, at least for me, is its cataloging of human gullibility.

Four Morning Habits For a Highly Productive Day at Work

Dana Brownlee, Forbes

How you spend your morning can dramatically impact the productivity of your entire day. If you're looking for a productivity boost, consider adding one of these four healthy morning habits.

This Is Why So Many Women Face Poverty In Old Age

Kerry Hannon, MarketWatch

Being a caregiver is financially and emotionally draining. But you can plan for it

Why We Should Care About Donald Trump's Tax Returns

Brian Galle, USA Today

Why do we care about President Donald Trump's tax returns? Is it just because they offer us another episode of reality TV, a window into the lives of the rich and famous? I would argue there are at least three things we learned from the president's returns that should concern us as voters, not just as voyeurs. First, we learned that it is possible he has not been honest with the IRS, and may even face potential criminal liability for his dishonesty. Presidents demand sacrifices from citizens and from public servants. Some of us are asked only to pay taxes; others are asked to...

Donald Trump Paid Zero Taxes? Very Good for Him

Bob Maistros, Issues & Insights

Shocking charges made against The Donald based on thinly sourced or withheld information? Where have we heard that one before?

Even As Americans Grew Richer, Inequality Grew

Jeanna Smialek, New York Times

A Federal Reserve survey of family finances shows that inequality was high last year. It's likely to worsen because of the pandemic.

Simplifying the Process of Retirement with Easy Steps

Diane Mtetwa, Motley Fool

You need to work to sustain your lifestyle – but you also hope your hard work provides you with a comfortable retirement. Reaching retirement age only to learn this dream won't come true can devastate anyone. Make sure that doesn't happen to you. You can retire successfully, but you'll need some careful planning. These 6 steps will help you get started.

The Shape of Basic Income Guarantees

Jonathan Morduch & Sidhya Balakrishnan, The Hill

The current confluence of events â?" uprisings against racialized police violence, a global pandemic, an unfolding economic crisis â?" have created a desire for change.

What It Would Take For the FDA to Approve C-19 Vaccine

William Petri, MarketWatch

A top medical researcher explains how we would know if a vaccine is safe and effective

Shep Smith, Fox News Ex, Starting Over at CNBC

Michael Grynbaum, New York Times

In a new show on a new network, the anchor wants a 'no pundits' approach: 'We're not interested in helping you know how to think.'

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Can Housing Save The US Economy?

James Picerno, The Capital Spectator

It’s a tall order but housing’s enjoying a V recovery and history suggests that this key slice of the economy plays a critical role in the business cycle. Is this a macro silver bullet for 2020 and beyond?

Ponzi Finance II: Quid Pro Quo

Sandwichman, EconoSpeak

The real story of Donald Trump's finances.

Why Biden Is Better Than Trump for the Economy

Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate

The presumption that Republicans are better than Democrats at economic stewardship is a longstanding myth that must be debunked. For all Americans who care about their and their children's future, the right choice this November could not be clearer.

No, This Isn't a Repeat of the Dot-Com Bubble

Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars & Data

Stocks are sky high, but this isn't 1999. Here's why.

Can You Predict the Next Downturn? (Bond Edition)

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

Not by expecting bonds to behave like equities, you won't.

Who Does Trump Owe Hundreds of Millions of Dollars To?

Andrew Prokop, Vox

He has personally guaranteed $421 million in debt. We know some information about it.

China's Leaders Can't Be Trusted

Chris Patten, Project Syndicate

Four examples of the Chinese leadership's duplicity and mendacity demonstrate that the last thing the world should do is trust the Communist Party of China. If governments recognize this and act together, the sooner the Beijing bullies will have to behave better.
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