
Oren Cass Writes About Time That Quite Simply Never Was

Don Boudreaux, AIER

American Compass founder Oren Cass is today a darling of economic nationalists and populist conservatives. And for good reason. He writes clearly and with a flair. He conjures lovely images of a largely imaginary lost golden age of mid-20th-century America. Most importantly, he presses all the right (!) buttons of people who live in fear of the new – and, hence, unfamiliar – economic institutions and social arrangements that are inevitably produced by dynamic free markets. Unsurprisingly, among his most frequent targets is international trade. Because people burdened by such fear...

Trump Had One Good Answer to Covid-19. His Party Killed It.

Paul Krugman, NYT

Aid to the unemployed saved us from disaster. Now it's gone.

Small Bus-women Striving to Recover Find 'Ghost Towns'

Vanessa Yurkevich, CNN

Six months into the coronavirus emergency, Wall Street may be booming but two women of color in New York and Miami say their Main Street businesses are still hurting.

Dems' $400B Climate Plan Would Burden a Gasping Economy

Steven Milloy, RCM

The Democratic Party has made it clear that they would rather pursue their destructive green agenda which further sets back America’s economy than give Americans the lifeline they need to get back on their feet. And if they flip the Senate this November, their climate tax will prove it. Last week, Senate Democrats unveiled a climate plan that they say will cost $400 billion per year. But for a nation in recovery – one that is exhausted under the coronavirus pandemic, rebuilding after a deadly hurricane in Louisiana, and restoring businesses run into the ground from the...

The Innovation Bringing Electricity To Crisis Stricken Areas

Josh Owens, OilPrice

Toyota and Honda have just launched an innovative system for providing electricity to disaster zones, using a fuel cell bus and multiple portable batteries and external power output devices

Budget & Covid Relief Gridlock Signals Lack of Leadership

Maya MacGuineas, WE

In the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic and economic downturn, we should see lawmakers set aside political divisions to tackle our most pressing issues, just as past crises have brought us together. This should be a moment for Congress and the president to step up and enact solutions to combat the pandemic further, provide relief to those who are struggling, and lay the groundwork for securing our economic future.

'Dark Stores' Are Part of Whole Foods' Vision for the Future

Kelly Tyko, USA Today

There's no salad or coffee bar at the newest Whole Foods Market. The Amazon-owned grocery chain is officially opening its first permanent online-only store in Brooklyn, New York, to fulfill orders for grocery delivery, Whole Foods officials shared exclusively with USA TODAY on Tuesday. Like other retailers' online-only stores, also known as dark stores, the store will not be open to the public.

Will the Fed's Policy Pivot Help the U.S. Economy?

Vivekanand Jayakumar, The Hill

Financial market distortions, new asset bubbles and worsening of the wealth gap may be the ultimate result of the Fed's well-intentioned but misguided policy actions

"Poor as Hell" to Billionaire. Tyler Perry Changed Show Bus.

Madeline Berg, Forbes

Last year, Perry might have avoided shooting in Atlanta?s July sun, but in this coronavirus era, you take any window you can, and ?Camp Quarantine? at his Tyler Perry Studios is trying to pioneer post-pandemic entertainment making.

Protectionism Will Exacerbate Corona-Contraction

Matthew Rees & Phil Harvey, RCM

Colombia and Albania would seem to have little in common. But they have been united since the Covid-19 outbreak in banning the export of a product that rarely finds its way into trade policy: toilet paper. Thankfully, they’re the only two countries to have taken such action. But hundreds of other products have been ensnared by the protectionist impulse this year – many, but not all, tied to Covid-19. For developing nations in particular, the dangers are great: A sweeping retreat into restricting exports and imposing high import tariffs could exacerbate the current global economic...

A Technology Revolution Is About to Transform Senior Care

Arick Wierson, Worth

COVID-19 has put a spotlight on a fragile senior care system, but a vibrant health-tech ecosystem is laying track for a technology revolution that is centered on the homesâ?"just in time for the 'Silver Tsunami'â?"of aging baby boomers.

No, 94% of Covid-19 Deaths Were Not Caused by Something Else

Jane Hu, Slate

This is a flat-out, perhaps willful misreading of the data.

Recent Durable Goods Order Brought By Letter V

Jerry Bowyer, Vident Financial

Jobs, Work Life, & Finances on Labor Day

Karlyn Bowman, American Enterprise Institute

Manufacturing Recovery Becomes More Entrenched

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

Some of the Best Ideas Take Years To Reach Potential

Solomon Teller, Green Harvest

What Fed Shift Could Mean For Investors

Kathy Jones, Charles Schwab

The move away from a precise 2% target likely means short-term rates will stay lower for longer.

Economic Numbers Are Wrecking Pessimistic Narratives

Market Minder, Fisher

Citigroup's US Economic Surprise Index illustrates how wide the gap between expectations and reality has been lately.

PCE: Uncertain Projections for Consumer Spending

Richard Moody, Regions Bank

An Overlooked Way to Play the 'Stuck at Home' Trend

Philip van Doorn, MarketWatch

The dynamic housing market is offering investors opportunities outside of high-flying technology industries

History Says Trouble Is On the Way for the Stock Market

Sergei Klebnikov, Forbes

With so much uncertainty on the horizon, the stock market could be in for a rough September and October, market experts say.

Childcare Crucial to Econ Health

Katherine Clark & Sen. Lisa Murkowski & Suzanne Clark, Hill

Congress must act now. Access to child care, or the lack thereof, cuts across almost every sector and business struggling to reopen in a safe and timely manner. And we need to acknowledge the repercussions of failing to address this challenge.

New Yorkers Fleeing to Suburbs: 'Demand Is Insane'

Matthew Haag, New York Times

The pandemic is spurring home sales as prosperous city residents seek more space. One listing had 97 showings and received 24 offers.

Teen Vogue Aims To Put A Happy Face On Socialism

Karin Lips, Washington Examiner

Teen Vogue is rebranding socialism for young people. But a new label won't change its ill effects.

What Will Filing Taxes Be Like In 2021?

Morris Armstrong, U.S. News & World Report

'Extreme August' Might Be a Signal About November

Barbara Kollmeyer, MarketWatch

Critical information for the U.S. trading day

Don't Let Entrepreneurialism Die

Robert Wright, American Institute for Economic Research

Hoping Departing Californians Do Not Bring Failed Policies With

Jon Gabriel, TAR

Driving across Arizona, it’s hard not to notice a surge in California license plates. The reason for this is becoming more apparent every day. California is a failed state. After nearly a decade of one-party rule, the once-Golden State is tarnished, possibly beyond repair. Listing all the problems facing our neighbors across the Colorado River would require several books, so I’ll only highlight a few.

They've Left Big Cities For Good. Here's Where They Landed

Anna Bahney, CNN

Ian Group loves New York City. He was born and raised there. So he was as surprised as anyone when he and his wife bought a home in Boca Raton, Florida, and decided not to go back to the city.

'Compassion' Will Never Be a Fix for Homelessness

Karol Markowicz, New York Post

As Manhattan's Upper West Side continues to struggle with the fallout of hundreds of homeless men shipped into neighborhood hotels, some critics are offering a pat "solution": compassion.

Why Federal Reserve Really Needs Judy Shelton's Voice

Editorial, New York Sun

The first thing that strikes us about the Federal Reserve’s new “Statement on Longer-Run Goals and Monetary Policy Strategy” is that the vote to approve it in the Open Market Committee was unanimous. The country may be down with its worst dose of divisiveness since practically the Civil War, and on almost every issue imaginable. Yet on the contentious issue of monetary strategy, the Fed turns out to be unanimous. Which put us in mind of the Great Sanhedrin. That was the body of 71 sages of Jewish law. It sat at Jerusalem in the time of the Temple. It is recorded that the...

Fisher Investments on Election-Year Uncertainty: This, Too, Shall Pass

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Ken Fisher on Nixing the VIX

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Will Uncle Sam Force Big Tech to Break Up?

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Shattering the Debt Ceiling Myth

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff, Fisher Investments

Tesla Is Nuts. Will It Ever Crash?

Jamie Powell, FT Alphaville

Tesla's valuation is unhinged from economic reality.

The Fed's Dangerous New Strategy

Willem H. Buiter, Project Syndicate

The US Federal Reserve's recent changes to its monetary policy framework are ill-advised and potentially harmful. They also fail to address a number of other crucial problems. The Fed should scrap this new approach, and instead make full and effective use of the policy instruments it has or could have at its disposal.

Work From Home: Americans Are Saving More Than Money

Anneken Tappe, CNN

The pandemic lockdown has killed the work commute. And as the number of miles people travel every day has collapsed, commuters have saved themselves billions of dollars.

The Four Levels of Income

John Rekenthaler, Morningstar

One word, several different investment experiences.

These Are the Zoom Killers

Paul Ausick, 24/7 Wall St.

To say that Zoom has prospered during the COVID-19 pandemic may be an understatement. However, there are plenty of deep-pocketed challengers to the company that took video conferencing to new levels of awareness and use.

Can Steve Cohen Fix America's Health Care Problem?

Alicia McElhaney, II

Point72 Ventures has launched a new health care investment team just as the industry's profits are swelling.

The US Left & Right Today Are Very Much Alike

David D'Amato, AIER

The conspicuousness of America’s political polarization belies a counterintuitive insight: the belligerents of the nation’s social and political war are actually very much alike.
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