Gary Gensler's Blundering SEC Mirrors Biden's Incompetence

Gerard Scimeca, RCM

Touting historically low approval ratings rivaling that of paper cuts and hay fever, one might think Joe Biden and his handlers cared enough about voter sentiment to address the more problematic...


Is Crypto Back? What to Know About BTC's Surge

David Yaffe-Bellany, New York Times

Bitcoin just hit a record high, but there are big differences between now and the last crypto boom, when digital currencies became a cultural phenomenon.


Inflation, and the Ongoing Search for Stable Money

Richard Rahn, Washington Times

A forever search it seems.


Should the Courts Be Deciding Elon Musk's Earnings?

Trey Dimsdale, Acton Institute

Recently, a court in Delaware ruled that Elon Musk exercised undue influence over Tesla's board of directors, which resulted in an unfair and gargantuan compensation package. But is that a decision...


Why It's a Good Time to Be a Working Woman

Allison Schrager, Manhattan Institute

The jobs market has undergone some big changes that favor women, though they could also make women more vulnerable. The pandemic was so bad for working women, especially mothers, that it was known in...


Contra Libertarians, Immigration Isn't Free Lunch

Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner

In addition to lower wages for native workers, economists no worry that overreliance on cheap foreign labor slows economic growth too.


Addressing David Leonhardt On the Causes of Econ. Stagnation

Paul Mueller, L & L

David Leonhardt's book, Ours Was the Shining Future, is about the need for labor unions and more government regulation.


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