AI Doesn't Require Any 'Safety Net,' Because AI IS the Safety Net

John Tamny, RCM

In poor countries, work has generational qualities. The latter is the explanation for the grinding poverty. Adam Smith understood this well. Where there's no change, or no dynamism, there's also very...


Ignore the Gloom, Artificial Intelligence Isn't Going to Kill Us All

Timothy Lee, Slate

Artificial-intelligence doomers are focused on the wrong threat.


The Antitrust Assault On the Startup Economy In the U.S.

Jonathan Barnett, The Hill

In the age of the internet, unfounded claims can achieve widespread adoption at remarkable speed. Antitrust regulators have apparently fallen prey to this malady.


Debt Ceiling w/Backbone Would Help U.S.

Peter St Onge & Richard Stern, Heritage Fdn.

Ah, the fight over the debt ceiling. Could anything be more depressingly familiar? You've got analysts predicting the federal government will run out of your money some time between now and July if...


Republicans Are Putting Standard of Living at Risk

Mike Lofgren, The New York Times

A debt default could bring down the dollar.


My Plea to President Biden About the Debt Ceiling

Rep. Mike Lawler, New York Post

You have an opportunity, sir, to extend an olive branch to Speaker McCarthy and work with our Republican Conference to find common ground. I know, for one, that is what my constituents want to see …


Default Would Have a Catastrophic Impact on Econ

Jean Ross, Ctr. for Am. Progress

Failure to increase the debt limit would have grave consequences for the U.S. economy, the global financial system, and the well-being of American families.


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