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Rating criteria that can kill or build your startup - Early Metrics

Date, heure et lieu de l'événement :

Mardi 2 juillet 2019 de 18:30 à 21:30 (heure : France)

Early Metrics
22 Rue Chapon
75003 Paris
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Launching a startup in France has never been more attractive : early stage startup Meero recently raised €230 while overall investment in young ventures reached €600 million in May 2019.

However, despite this booming ecosystem, getting a startup off the ground still isn’t easy and there are some key criteria to watch out for to be able to reach your business goals.

What do the most promising scale-ups have in common? How can you safely get your business through the death valley? As the founder of Early Metrics, the international startup rating agency, Antoine Baschiera will share (with no fluff or buzzwords) what really makes a difference in a startup’s growth.

Antoine is often invited to talk about Early Metrics’ methodology which is backed by the CNAM,  Imperial College of London and the Chaire on Innovation Funding created by Audencia

 He will take part in a fireside chat with Start in Saclay, an association created in 2014 from the area of Paris-Saclay University and open to anyone interested in entrepreneurship.

The event will be followed by a Q&A and some food & drinks.

See you there ! 

Start in Saclay
