Query Agents or Query Publishers? |
After completing a final polish on Is That The Shirt You're Wearing? my collection of humorous essays, I diligently researched and targeted literary agents, and sent personalized query letters. And I eagerly waited for their replies. Then I waited some more . . . and waited some more after that. I even sent myself test e-mails to make sure my e-mail program was working... Read more... |
Blair Wilson is actively looking for middle grade and young adult fiction, as well as MG, YA, and adult nonfiction. In nonfiction, Blair is interested in narrative nonfiction, crafting/instructional, true crime, pop culture, lifestyle, sexuality & identity, design, and STEM topics. Read More... |
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| Write a Breakout Novel in 2017 | Make this the year you write your breakout novel with guidance from top agents and authors who know how to make it happen! | $492.88 $89.99 | |
Robert Lee Brewer and Brian A. Klems share tips and funny encounters with literary agents (1:00), important advice for entering writing contests (11:30), and discuss how to approach an agent (and more) with literary agent Carly Watters (14:00). Listen Now... |
Robert Lee Brewer Robert Lee Brewer is Senior Content Editor for the Writer's Digest Writing Community. He edits Writer's Market, directs online conferences, and writes for the magazine and website. Follow him on Twitter @robertleebrewer. |