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Product Newsletter: Proteins
Single-ingredient meat analogue developed in ‘happy accident’: ‘We’re the first and only ones doing this’
Although developing meat alternatives from a single ingredient was not Nosh Bio’s initial aim, the start-up very quickly realised it had something ‘super powerful’ on its hands.... Read more
Is a high-protein diet damaging to heart health?
From building lean muscle to repairing body tissue, protein has been proven to provide a multitude of benefits. But could too much protein be damaging to your heart?... Read more
From meat to 3D printed plants: Why Cargill is diversifying its protein investments
The agrifood giant is investing across the board, from traditional livestock production to cultivated meat and 3D printing technology.... Read more
Plant-based seafood brands explore seaweed, mycelium and 3D printing to enhance texture, taste
As the plant-based seafood segment continues to evolve, ingredient innovation paves the way towards consumer acceptance, shown through notable VC investments in the sector.... Read more
New Culture self-determines GRAS status for its animal-free casein
New Culture self-affirms its animal-free casein is Generally Recognized As Safe following an independent review of experts, which brings it one step closer to selling its animal-free cheese in retail, while strengthening its partnerships with foodservice and restaurants, Matt Gibson, the company’s CEO and co-founder explained to FoodNavigator-USA.... Read more
 Soup-To-Nuts Podcast: Demand for functional beverages could lead to ‘tsunami of innovation’ in 2024
Beverage sales have outpaced that of food within the specialty segment in the past decade, according to the Specialty Food Association, which attributes the boom to an increased demand for functional benefits, a faster pace of innovation and a lower threshold for initial trial.... Listen now
Beyond Meat turns to IV platform, SKU rationalization, pricing to improve margins in FY 2024
After seven consecutive quarters of revenue declines, Beyond Meat executives say they hope to turn the corner in 2024 with new product innovations, SKU rationalization, and price increases, but the company's fourth quarter and full-year results show more obstacles for the plant-based leader.... Read more
Future Food-Tech San Francisco, March 21-22, 2024
How Tech Transforms Pea Protein Production
Case Study: Create Crave-Worthy Meat Alternatives with ADM’s SojaProtein
Benson Hill positively impacts supply chain ESG metrics
Vanillin to boost your sensory experience
Improve nutrition & labeling with Chickpea & Aquafaba
A Sustainably Sourced Natural Yeast Protein
Leveraging the Power of Pea Protein for Meat Alternatives
Find answers to what American oat consumers want
Pack in the protein. Prevent off-notes
Edelman is a global communications firm that partners with businesses and organizations to evolve, promote and protect their brands and... more details
PPM Technologies, LLC
PPM Technologies is a globally recognized manufacturer of industrial food-processing equipment for conveying, frying, seasoning, and cooling applications... more details
Rethink Events Ltd
Rethink Events' global summits are created by experts in the agri-food, water and sustainable materials industries to address the issues... more details
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