Privacy in the Data-Driven Enterprise; Trusted Execution Environments; Asynchronization at AWS re:Invent

InformationWeek Cloud
December 05, 2022
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Privacy Debate for 2023: Can Data Collection Persist As Is?
More layers of state and federal regulation on data privacy loom on the horizon, with political agendas and business needs also adding tension to the mix.

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Special Report: Privacy in the Data-Driven Enterprise

An entire week of coverage devoted to the question: How do we give privacy back to the people when customer data is now the coin of the realm and the fuel that powers business?
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Trusted Execution Environments Make Computing More Private

Trusted execution environments are changing the face of cloud computing -- and they will have an even bigger impact in the months and years ahead.
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Rise of Data and Asynchronization Hyped Up at AWS re:Invent

Adam Selipsky highlighted ways the cloud helps keep pace with the growth of data while Werner Vogels lauded the benefits of asynchronous computer systems.
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  • Securing the Modern Enterprise: Protecting the New Edge

    Distributed composite applications, cloud, and work from anywhere are the norm today. Unfortunately, the adoption of these technologies and strategies means the well-defined network edge of old, no longer exists. Today, attack surfaces extend across the enterprise. Register today to ...

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3 Imperatives for a Successful Hybrid Workforce
The hybrid workforce is here to stay, driving the need for digital self-help tools. Leaders must prioritize automation and implement change management to meet employee expectations. Read More
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Cloud Financial Management: Getting a Little Help From AI/ML
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are opening opportunities for organizations to program how they want to scale up or down use of cloud resources depending upon current and anticipated future demand. Read More
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Ukraine Cybersecurity Message at BlackBerry Security Summit
A surprise livestream from the besieged country, and other speakers, gave a look at ways cybersecurity can affect tangible issues in the physical world. Read More
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Could Software Issues Delay Widespread Electric Vehicle Adoption?
Charging concerns aside, software reliability may pose the biggest roadblock to widespread EV acceptance. Read More
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