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Unsure about that patient's status? The answer is in your pocket! | | A 4 " by 8 " pocket card has never included this much impactful information before! The Patient Status Pocket Card for Physicians is an easy-to-use reference guide assisting physicians in making critical decisions regarding the appropriateness of patient status, which can result in Medicare billing and revenue implications for your healthcare organization. The pocket card includes: A decision tree based on Medicare regulations The most recent regulation impacting revenue Guidance on application of the 2-midnight rule This pocket card delivers clear, action-oriented patient status guidance directly into the hands of physicians for quick reference.
| | | ...and don't miss our other popular REVENUE CYCLE RESOURCES here! For information and helpful free resources for providers to help navigate the current COVID-19 pandemic, we've compiled key resources in a centralized Coronavirus Response Solution Center for your assistance. |
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