America plans to build a new Iron Dome missile defense system.…
And one undiscovered stock could play a critical role in this development.
Go here ASAP to claim Pre-IPO shares.
My projections suggest shares could soar 457% - IF you buy before the IPO (click here now).
President Trump plans to sign a new Executive Order…
Creating a next generation defense shield to protect America from attack.
A White House document explains…
“The threat of attack by ballistic, cruise, and hypersonic missiles remains a catastrophic threat facing the United States.”
The Executive Order would expand America’s defense systems.
The President envisions a system similar to Israel’s Iron Dome. Israel has been using this system to successfully shoot down attacks by Iran and its proxies.
America’s Iron Dome would use space-based systems to detect and shoot down missile attacks against the U.S.
One new space stock has extensive expertise with hypersonic rockets. And it’s building a new space launch platform.
The company is currently PRIVATE.
Yet they’re quietly preparing to go public on Nasdaq this year.
My estimates predict 457% profit potential by IPO day.
Go here to claim your Pre-IPO shares for less than $4.00.
Ian Wyatt
P.S. I recently met with the U.S. Secretary of State to discuss this breakthrough. And you’ll never believe what he said…
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