November 2019
Tamachi Office Art Project, Kanaden, Berlin x Tokyo Event
Tamachi Office Art Project 

Maharo、STONE63、BAKIBAKI、丸 倫徳、ねもとみく、そして上岡 拓也によるウォールアートは、建築デザインに見事マッチングしながらもスペース全体をよりエネルギッシュにします。Frankie Cihi、JONJON GREEN、simoによる半立体のアートピースは社員の憩いの場にぴったりな「ゆとり」と「彩り」を演出させました。そして、Takeru Iwazakiは、受付エリアに飾られる、社員とお客様を歓迎する唯一無二のステートメントピースとなるライトボックスへのアートを制作しました。

TokyoDex just completed an extensive art installation for an IT company with new offices in Tamachi. We were given free range with colors and themes to achieve a sophisticated yet welcoming office interior.

Murals from Maharo, STONE63, BAKIBAKI, Michinori Maru, Miku Nemoto and Takuya Kamioka highlight the beautiful architecture found in their respective areas while colorful and abstract semi-sculptural pieces from Frankie Cihi, JONJON GREEN and simo, enhance relaxation areas. We also created a light box with artist Takeru Iwazaki, a beautiful statement piece that welcomes employees and guests into the office. 

The video for Phase 1 is above and Phase 2 video is below. Click to see how the artwork became a pivotal part of this amazing work space.
Artwork Photos




Kanaden, a trading company with a business legacy dating back 100 years brought us on board to adorn their new office with a bold statement piece in the lobby. We brought together artists KASHIHARA SHINPEI and Toyohisa Abe to create their second collaborative artwork with us, the perfect symbol for the excellent teamwork at Kanaden. 

Inspired by the keywords “future” and “tradition,” the phoenix represents prosperity and transformation while the geometric sharp lines represent the technological advancements of Kanaden. This piece represents the company’s continuous efforts towards innovation and rediscovery.

Check out how this artwork came to life by clicking the video link below.

Berlin x Tokyo 2019
「Berlin x Tokyo」音楽イベント

11月29日(金)に東京姉妹都市25周年を記念し、CIRCUS Tokyoにてナイトクラブイベントが開催されます!TokyoDexと長年交流があるドイツ大使館に代わり、NIONによって開催される本イベントでは、クラブカルチャーで活躍する女性アーティストの存在を祝福する一夜限りの音楽イベントとなります。

ぜひCIRCUS Tokyoまで遊びに来てください!

On Friday, November 29th, NION is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Berlin and Tokyo sister city partnership by hosting a club event at CIRCUS Tokyo. With support from our friends at the German Embassy, they are bringing together female artists who support a safe and diverse club scene in both Germany and Tokyo.

Come join us for a fun Friday night out with BerlinxTokyo at CIRCUS Tokyo!

More Information


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