What you look for you will find. What you focus on shows up more in your life.
Join us and educators from around the country for a 1-day Energy Bus for Schools Conference on June 24 where you’ll discover strategies to create and sustain a positive school culture, energize your teachers, and impact your students. VIP option includes VIP Lunch / Meet & Greet and Q&A with Jon Gordon, premium conference seating and signed copy of The Energy Bus for Schools book. Sign Up here. | What is your Success today? |
When my children were young, I read a story about United States gymnast Bart Connor, who was able to overcome a torn bicep muscle to win two gold medals at the 1984 Olympics. When asked how he did it, he explained that when he was growing up, each night before bedtime his parents would ask him his success of the day. He said, "Every night I went to bed a success. Every morning I woke up a success. When I got injured, I knew I was going to come back because I was a success every day of my life." I thought this was such a powerful concept, so I immediately began asking my two children about their success of the day. At first my seven-year-old daughter, Jade, didn't know what a success was, so she said, "I didn't beat my brother up today." I laughed and then taught her the definition of success. Eventually she and her brother, Cole, learned to share their successes with me and it became part of our bedtime ritual. Since that time, I've encouraged people of all ages who attended my keynotes to think about and write down their success of the day. Instead of dwelling on all the things that went wrong that day, all the mistakes you made and all the people who frustrated you, think about and focus on the one great thing that happened, the one great conversation you had, the one event that made you smile or the one accomplishment you are proud of. When you write down your success each night, you are programming your mind and brain to focus on success. What you look for you will find. What you focus on shows up more in your life. If you want to test this out, start looking for red cars on the road. You will start seeing more red cars. By thinking about your success of the day and writing it down in your success journal, you will create more success in your life. Over the years many have asked if I had a success journal they could use and I didn’t have one so I finally created one to make it easier for you to have a place to share your nightly success before going to bed. My hope is that this journal will help you (and kids) go to bed and wake up feeling like a success, and that as a result you will have greater confidence to overcome your challenges and create the life and success you want! So let me ask you, what was your Success today? Share your success with me on Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn or reply to this email. Order The Success Journal now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble or anywhere books are sold. | STAY POSITIVE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME. www.jongordon.com Newsletter / Article Reprint Permission: We grant you permission to post and reprint this newsletter in your publication, on your blog or in your company newsletter with the stipulation that you credit Jon Gordon as the author and you provide a link to www.JonGordon.com. | |