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The long election is over. The long road to recovery now begins. But what does the future of the economy look like? It’s hard to know. Mr. Trump is inheriting a number of problems: a stagnant economy, deep debt, a shrinking middle class along with threats of terrorism and dubious international partners. It’s no surprise that a number of experts are predicting volatility in the global markets. One way to reduce the risk of market volatility is to diversify your portfolio with a recognized safe haven asset: gold. Gold is recognized as a monetary asset worldwide and has survived economic crises and political uncertainty throughout history. No one knows what the future holds for us. I believe the best way to be prepared for anything is to acquire gold: the only tangible currency that can’t be printed, hacked or digitized. Please call Goldline, the only company I trust for my gold, to add gold to your portfolio and IRA. Call Goldline today at 888-931-1911 for free information on how gold can help you in a volatile economy. |