"Creativity is about play and a kind of willingness to go with your intuition. It's crucial to an artist. If you know where you are going and what you are going to do, why do it?" - Frank Gehry, Architect & Designer
Hi John,
Play could be defined as any activity we engage in for enjoyment and recreation.
Can you think about the last time you played? Maybe it was family game night, kicking the ball around a field, jumping on a trampoline, puttering in the garden, pushing paint around on paper, or racking up points in a video game.
One of my favorite ways to lose myself in play and engage in a willingness to go with my intuition, is with paint and paper. I love making multiples of things, so for me, it starts with cutting up watercolor paper into a bunch of postcards, setting these up on a painting mat, and giving myself time and space to explore, experiment, and tinker. If I make a mistake, it's inconsequential because my goal is to simply have fun in this safe place for problem solving.
It's this freedom to play that I want for you and your child, too!
That brings me to today's playful activity...the Drawing Idea Generator.
In this playful drawing prompt, we blend drawing with imagination, spontaneity, and literacy by pulling cards from three decks (adjectives, nouns, and verbs) to create something from the imagination. Keziah and family shared their experience with the Drawing Idea Generator...
- Keziah, The Grumbley's Homeschool
Would you like to give it a try, too?
Sign up for the Schoolhouse Sampler (it's open and free through October 10). Once you sign up, you'll have access to the Drawing Idea Generator where you can download the prompt printable and view the short video tutorial. Plus, you'll get access to two additional playful prompts: Pinwheel Quilt Pattern (explore math & design) and Paint Rolling Marbles (explore paint & physics).
This STEAM activity is an example of one of hundreds of art-based experiments our members receive in TinkerLab Schoolhouse. For more prompts like this, join us today. Doors close Sunday, October 10 at 11:59 pm PST.
{Feel free to share this FREE resource with other families, teachers, or homeschoolers}
Founder, TinkerLab
p.s. As a reminder, the Schoolhouse doors close August 16 at 11:59 pm.
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