Firefighters battle huge blaze in London

FIREFIGHTERS are responding to a massive blaze that has engulfed a block of flats in London as witnesses report ‘screaming from inside’.


Ten placed into administration

TROUBLED free-to-air broadcaster Network Ten has been placed into voluntary administration after its billionaire backers walked away.


Busted: $30m alleged cold call syndicate

POLICE say they have smashed a major $30 million alleged cold call investment fraud syndicate based on the Gold Coast, involving about 2000 victims nationwide.


Brisbane legal stoush stalls MH370 payout

A DISPUTE between two Brisbane law firms has stopped compensation payments to relatives of passengers on doomed Malaysian Airlines flight MH37.


Taping claims fire up council

A SOUTHSIDE council has erupted into a slanging match the day after the mayor fronted the CCC to answer questions on political donations.


Blues are right where Maroons want them

THE Maroons have the Blues right where they want them. If looking at history is the best way to predict the future, then write off Queensland at your peril.


City budget flags rates increase

LIVE COVERAGE: Brisbane City Council has delivered its Budget, touting the lowest minimum residential rates in southeast Queensland. But some residents will be slapped an average 6.6 per cent increase.


Southern buyers pushing up values

PROPERTY values in Southeast Queensland’s lifestyle property markets are surging as southern buyers look to park their equity north of the border.


Plane romper is mum-of-three

A WOMAN filmed in a shocking midair romp on a plane is “mortified” and has gone into hiding, as she reveals what actually happened.


Operation Belcarra: The CFME... who?

A CANDIDATE in the 2016 Gold Coast mayoral election was unaware the CFMEU had spent nearly $40,000 campaigning for her until months after the vote.