Sometimes you'll see coverage of economic data that conforms to certain template with a predictable details and word counts.  Rarely, the word count will reflect the pace of change in the underlying data series.  That's what you're dealing with here. Existing home sales have been depressed since late 2022 and bouncing along the bottom ever since. Pending Home Sales is just another way to view the same problem.  Instead of closed transactions, it measures contract signings, thus providing a sort of sneak peak and next month's Existing Home Sales potential.  With that in mind, it wouldn't be a surprise to see Existing Sales slip back down after the monthly increase reported last week.  Here's why: For those who are uncomfortable without a higher word count, here are a few regional bullet points showing the month over month and year over year change (%): Northeast  + 0.8% (down 5.5% annually) Midwest     - 7.6%  (down 11.6% annually) South        - 7.3%  (down 9.0% annually) West          +0.5%  (down 7.0% annually)
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March 1, 2024
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Housing News
Sometimes you'll see coverage of economic data that conforms to certain template with a predictable details and word counts.  Rarely, the word count will reflect the pace of change in the underlying data series.  That's what you're dea... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
The average lender was offering slightly higher rates this morning when compared to yesterdays latest levels, but things began to change after 10am ET.  That's when today's economic data caused the bond market to erase its day over day losses an... (read more)
MBS Commentary
We haven't talked enough about ISM Manufacturing this week because Thursday's PCE data was the first report in more than 2 weeks that mattered.  Thus, the focus was on what came first as opposed to what has a track record of moving markets. ... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
As I watch it snow here in the Sierra, hey, if you’re going to watch one video this week, watch this 15-second classic (with sound) on how our banking system works. You’ll watch it at least twice, and let your kids figure it out. Since its all-time h... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries