Frugal Living Tips Weekly (April 28, 2019)
Today's featured craft is this beautiful faux waterfall centerpiece. The water looks so real. If you love to craft, please send in your own home decor project. We would love to see your creativity.

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Today's Featured Post

Pearl Waterfall Centerpiece

By katrine2706

Pearl Water Falls Centerpiece - finished centerpiece on tableI brought my love for nature into my living room since our summer season will be going really busy. I just imagined myself going to this pearly wonderful waterfall while making this craft.

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This Week's Guides
Laundry Tips and Tricks
Laundry Tips and Tricks, Dirty Laundry in a White Basket
Uses for Velcro
Woman Separating a Velcro Strip
Homemade Cold Remedies
Woman With A Cold
Saving Leftover Paint
Leftover paint in open cans.
Finding Garage Sales
A table full of items for sale at a garage sale.
Determining Whether Spices Are Still Good
Jars of common spices in the kitchen.
Today's Posts

Marking the Sprayer on your Kitchen Faucet

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

A faucet with a multifunction sprayer on the end, with markings in Sharpie.I recently replaced the normal head of the faucet with one of those that you can change from one to the other. Sometimes I want the stream for filling water bottles, etc. Then sometimes I want the sprayer to clean the sink. But I don't want the sprayer when I want to fill a bottle and I too often forget which setting it's on.

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DIY Privacy Screen for Windows

By 15mhhm15

DIY Privacy Screen for Windows - in placeWith simple everyday items: cardboard/box, painter's tape, trash bag, scissors/box cutter, and measuring tape - you could make your own privacy screen for your window.

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Teacup Candles

By Jackie H.

Teacup Candles - closeup of a teacup candleI bought all the supplies on, the wax, the wicks, a color kit, and a scented oil kit. Then I began making candles out of old empty jars, and then found old antique teacups and saucers. These make wonderful keepsake treasures and special gifts. And it is very easy, but requires "caution" when working with hot, melted wax.

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The Girls are Ganging Up

By Donna

The Girls are Ganging Up - FuzzyI think my two cats, Annie and Fuzzy have taught our pet chicken some bad habits. They regularly peek into the window and when I looked out the window today I see little Chicken Little has learned the trick too! We all had a good laugh!

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Rice Milk

By Holly

Rice Milk in bottleVery simple and inexpensive to make! It is a good non-dairy base for homemade cocoa.

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