Emergency dispensing arrangements in place in NSW and Qld
Pharmacists in bush fire-affected parts of NSW and Queensland are being advised that they can dispense medicines under the three-day emergency supply rule without a prescription.
The Department of Health issued an advisory notice this afternoon notifying pharmacists that the emergency rules will apply "until at least 30 Dec".
Under the rules pharmacists will be required to call the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Inquiry line on 132 290 if they are unable to verify a patient's Medicare or concessional details.
Pharmacists will also be able to dispense using the "owing prescription" provision, once they have confirmed the patient's current medication details with the prescriber, who will be required to forward a paper prescription to the pharmacy to cover the emergency supply as soon as practicable in accordance with state law.
In cases where a patient may have lost medication due to the bush fires, the pharmacist may provide a subsequent supply, under the 4/20 day PBS rule, but they must endorse the prescription with the words "immediate supply necessary" and sign the PBS prescription.
Pharmacists will also be empowered to dispense a single PBS quantity under Continue Dispensing arrangements.
See tomorrow's Pharmacy Daily for more.
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