This Friday we’ll be dropping a truly special deal that’s like nothing we’ve ever done before…

It’s specifically designed to give you the blueprint AND all the tools you need to start generating serious money online.

This material is tested and proven… and has helped more than 250 of my students become millionaires.

So as a special preview to what’s coming…

This week I’m sharing how I’ve personally used the same tools…

And followed these “7 Steps to 7-Figures” to make my first million (and many thereafter).

Yesterday I shared steps 1 & 2…

So let’s pick back up today with steps 3 to 5.

Step #3 – Copywriting

When most people think of sales they think of in-person “face to face” selling.

Copywriting is selling too…

But rather than selling in-person…

You can think of it as “Salesmanship in Print.”

Facebook ads, sales pages, emails, Instagram captions, text messages, business cards, flyers… even a resume can be a form of copywriting.

The reason copywriting is so powerful is because it allows you to multiply and broadcast your sales message at scale.

Face to face selling means you’re selling one-to-one (or maybe to a small group if you’re selling from a stage)...

But “salesmanship in print” lets you sell one-to-many.

That’s why copywriting has made me the most money out of ANY skill I’ve ever had.

It was the backbone for at least three of the five different 7-figure businesses I’ve built…

And it’s generated countless millions for my friends and clients too.

Isabel Price used copywriting to go from struggling to pay for my coaching…

To building an 8-figure health & wellness business that’s helped thousands of people live longer, happier lives.

And my buddy Joel Marion used copywriting to go from making $40k per year working as a gym teacher in New Jersey…

To launching his supplement company Biotrust and hitting an insane $100 million in sales in just their first 12 months alone.

Fun fact: My skills at copywriting even helped me find the woman of my dreams and persuade her to become my wife ;)

Just like live sales… 

Copywriting is one of those skills that once you have it, it not only makes you more money, it can also improve many other areas of your life.

If you can already see the impact better copywriting could have for your business…

The special deal coming this Friday will help you build a solid foundation in this powerful skill — so that you can boost your sales, generate more leads, and make more money at just about anything you do.

Step #4 – Critical Credibility & Ultimate Authority Vibes

As I mentioned on Tuesday…

23 years ago I lived with a couple of roommates… and only one of them had a computer connected to the Internet. 

If I wanted to check my email, I had to wait until he was out at the gym… or I had to check email at the University’s computer lab.

Despite these annoyances, I had already built a 3,000 person email list and was sending weekly workout newsletters.

One day I found the email address of the Fitness Editor for Men’s Health magazine, the biggest fitness magazine in the world, and I sent him my latest newsletter.

The next day he offered to publish a segment in the magazine.

Suddenly I was writing for Men’s Health!

This gave me critical credibility in my industry — to my peers and my readers.

I dramatically increased my “Know-Like-Trust” factor overnight. 

And when I finally started selling workout programs online, this critical credibility lowered distrust and made it easier for me to make sales.

Credibility and authority make everything easier.

You can develop this through podcast and TV appearances… writing a book… even making YT videos.

Of course, it can be tough to land TV appearances and books are a lot of work.

But another relatively easy way to do this that can be extremely effective is through social media like Facebook or Instagram… 

… IF you know how.

Friday’s drop will also include a battle-tested system for doing this that’s helped me sell over $6 million in coaching… and made my clients tens of millions too. 

Step #5 – Serious Social Proof

One summer weekend in 2007 I was visiting my mom and dad on the farm where I grew up. 

My dad was sick and undergoing treatment for his cancer, and I spent a lot of time there with Bally the Dog, my old chocolate lab.

These were my peak fitness years… I was strong, with six-pack abs, and training hard every day.

One morning, after doing a kettlebell workout in the backyard, I randomly asked my mom to take a photo of me — shirt off — with a digital camera.

She didn’t know how to work it… and I knew nothing about proper lighting… but one photo from that morning went on to make me millions of dollars in the next few years.

It showed me at my most muscular with ripped abs… and it caught people’s attention because I was standing in what looked like a farmer’s field with a dog at my side.

This was my 7-Figure Photo. My ultimate social proof.

I added that to my websites and FB profile (that had just started to become popular).

Clients began to send me their before and after photos to add to my website.

My program now had a “Dramatic Demonstration of Proof”

It eliminated the doubts of prospects and once again made sales easier.

I was in my early 30’s with a 7-figure business… even though I barely knew what I was doing…

Taking massive action had also set the stage for me to benefit from a little good luck.

If you know your business needs better proof…

The Bonus Training included with Friday’s mega-deal will help you figure out exactly what kind of social proof YOUR perfect prospects need to see or hear…

And how to use it in your business to trigger an avalanche of leads & sales.


Ok, once again, we’ve covered a TON.

I’ll save the rest for tomorrow…

Be sure to keep one eye on your inbox for “part three” of the 7 Steps to 7-Figures…

Where we’ll wrap things up with steps 6 & 7.

Success Loves Speed,
