Happy Thanksgiving!

If you’ve been dreaming of building a multi 7-figure business…

Then tomorrow we’re dropping a huge Black Friday deal I think you’ll absolutely love.

On the surface, it looks like a massive bundle of some of my best tools, systems, and training — all at one unbelievably low price.

But this is no random bundle.

This is the “Millionaire Starter Pack.”

And it’s been specially curated to give you everything you need to start building a multimillion-dollar business online.

If that’s something you’re interested in…

Then the value you’ll get in this bundle is honestly insane.

The bonuses alone are worth thousands of dollars — but you’ll be getting them for FREE.

One of those bonuses is an exclusive Live Training I’ll be hosting on the “7 Steps to 7-Figures” that I’ve followed to build multiple 7-figure businesses…

And which have helped hundreds of my students make millions of dollars too.

On the training I’ll be diving more into how these steps work and the specifics of how to apply them in your business…

But in the spirit of the Holidays and as a bit of a free “preview”...

This week I’ve been sharing some of the story behind how these 7 steps made me my first million.

So today, as a nice little side dish for your turkey dinner…

I’m wrapping up our 7 Steps to a 7-Figure Business mini-series with steps 6 & 7.

Step #6 – Sales System Replication

You cannot get past 7-figures in business if you’re doing all the work.

It’s unsustainable.

That includes you being the lonely salesperson on your team.

You MUST have sales system replication.

This can be done in so many ways.

When I started making money online…

I recruited an army of affiliates who were out promoting my products with an affiliate link that earned them a commission every time they made a sale of my Turbulence Training program.

Clients of mine like the legendary Isabel Price used Google Ad Words to scale to 8-figures… 

Every day the ads were out selling for her.

Others clients like Boris E. from France hit $10 million in supplement sales with FB ads

Other clients like Frank Den Blanken have used YT ads, evergreen webinars, etc. to build a 24/7 sales machine.

Today in the high ticket sales world I’ve built a sales team doing my sales calls so that we can enroll multiple new clients in the same hour… 

Which would be impossible if I was the only sales person on my team.

We have real estate clients that have multiple real estate agents out selling for their brokerage.

Other clients have influencers online selling meal prep packages, t-shirts, supplements, etc.

You cannot go it alone with sales if you want to scale to 7-figures and beyond.

Even if it just means turning your clients into referral machines.

If you want to build a 7-figure sales replication selling machine for your business…

Check out the details tomorrow for the Millionaire Starter Pack.

It'll give you the tools and blueprint you need to get started.

Step #7 – Mentorship

Now I know what you’re thinking… 

“These first 6 steps sound great, and you make it sound so simple, Craig… but how exactly does each one work? And how can they be optimized?”

Those were the same questions I asked 20+ years ago when I first heard the term “copywriter”... 

And when I realized I had to master the art of the “phone close”.

But like I mentioned in Tuesday’s email… 

My business and income skyrocketed when I started learning from my first business coach, Tom Venuto.

Of course, you could spend hundreds of hours sifting through YouTube… or spend thousands of dollars on a bunch of individual courses… trying to figure this all out on your own…

Or you can accelerate the process… 

Cut years off your learning curve… 

And just get the proven systems and blueprint I’ve put together for you in the Millionaire Starter Pack.

If you’re not ready for a 4 or 5-figure coaching investment…

This is by far the most effective and most affordable way to slingshot your business ahead.

So enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving celebrations…

And keep an eye out for my email tomorrow where I’ll be sharing full details and the link to grab this special deal.

Success Loves Speed,
