ACT officials have been significantly stretched by complex internal processes for freedom of information requests, but most government directorates are yet to take up recommendations to simplify the process.
Not many people are choosing to run away with the circus, even though in Canberra at least, there's a fully-fledged circus planning to leave town after Christmas with at least 10 positions open.
Subscriber: "We had little Archie on Friday morning at about 1am so I was in hospital for the 24 hours with Sarah, and then slid out the back door and went and played a game of cricket." It's been a full-on off-season for the Raiders' Sam Williams.
Subscriber | Opinion: Federation reform in a post-COVID world needs to be driven from the bottom up, Dominic Perrottet says. Regardless of their origin, we shouldn't shrink from calls for reform, writes Jack Waterford.
Subscriber | Tim the Yowie Man: Two Canberra residents who turned their backyard swimming pools into ponds say they derive deep pleasure from the tranquil ecosystems that are now teeming with life.