Voornaam- In 2022: Neighborhood Leaders reached out to over 120,000 voters and helped achieve the highest voter turnout in the country. In 2023: Neighborhood Leaders helped elect a Democrat in every county. In 2024: Neighborhood Leaders will be responsible for protecting our hard-won Congressional seats and flipping Congressional District 5 BLUE! We consistently have hundreds of thousands of conversations reminding people to vote, Voornaam. Democratic successes aren't a mistake - they happen because we field a massive statewide grassroots organization every year. Our Neighborhood Leader Program is powered by over 3300 volunteers and by generous donors who understand the importance of having genuine, effective conversations with voters. We need your help to make sure the 2024 Neighborhood Leaders have the resources they need. Will you help us start the new year strong by donating $25, $50, $100, or any amount you can today, Voornaam? Oregon Democrats