Organizing Tips (March 18, 2016)

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Welcome to the Organizing Tips newsletter; a collection of tips, photos, questions and guides that have been posted on ThriftyFun's website. Click on any post to give it a Thumbs Up vote or leave feedback.

Nature in a Jar

By lalala...

upclose of nestOne of the things both my kids and I enjoy are the things we find in nature. From feathers to birds nest and everything in between. I wanted to find a way to preserve these items for us to enjoy for a long time.

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Today's Guides
Storing Paint Cans
Storing Paint Cans
Driving vs. Flying
Driving vs. Flying
Making a Plastic Bag Holder
Making a Plastic Bag Holder
Spending Less on Entertainment
Parents and Child Playing a Video Game
Today's Posts

Check Receipt Before Leaving Store

By anne

Check Receipt Before Leaving StoreAre you being overcharged for groceries? I am overcharged for my groceries half of the time! That is why I now check my receipt before leaving the store instead of when I get home.

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Hoarding: Too Much Stuff

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

Hoarding: Too Much StuffThere are many programs to watch these days on bachelors, dancers, singers, racers, survivors, and the like. But, there are none so compelling as those that dissect a little known malady known as hoarding.

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Keep Keyboards Clean with Cling Wrap

By Lucy Cannon

I wrapped my new keyboard with cling wrap, (like Glad wrap). I thought it might be awkward, but I don't even notice that it is there. Occasionally I put a new wrap around my keyboard, as I use it a lot and it can get worn out.

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