John Phillips: On primary night, California was blue…and Dodger blue • California’s political flash in U.S. Senate will fade when two journeymen occupy its seats
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Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Orange County election results mostly unsurprising

The county tilted more to the right than the state as a whole.

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John Phillips: On primary night, California was blue…and Dodger blue

Adam Schiff got the November opponent he wanted. Now we will find out if he should be careful what he wished for.

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California’s political flash in U.S. Senate will fade when two journeymen occupy its seats

When Schiff, as expected, joins Padilla in the Senate, it means a return to California’s have two male senators after more than three decades with at least one female senator.

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The renewable energy scam won’t save the planet, but it will cost you a lot of money

They’re getting results, but not good ones: California’s cost of electricity increased three times faster than in the rest of America.

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Panera flap typifies how Sacramento really works

Few measures epitomize the cliché about ugly process of legislative sausage making than California lawmakers’ efforts to boost pay in the state’s fast-food industry.

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Steve Garvey scores a rare GOP runoff spot in California’s U.S. Senate race

Now it will be Adam Schiff vs. Steve Garvey in what could turn into a bitter runoff battle for the U.S, Senate seat long held by the late Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a contest sure to evoke many more baseball metaphors than any previous California campaign.

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Republicans don’t want Nikki Haley — but what about the rest of the country?

If it wasn’t evident before, it is now crystal clear that a majority of Republican primary voters don’t want her as their nominee.

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California keeps repeating the same climate mistakes

If California wants to seriously address rising energy costs and reliability challenges in the face of climate and clean energy targets, its leaders should rethink how it approaches energy policy.

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Credit card companies tracking gun purchases is a slippery slope

Singling out law-abiding gun and ammunition purchasers through the invasive and arbitrary monitoring of their credit card transactions will gradually erode the right to self-defense.

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2024 presidency: Letters

After reading the opinion piece by Ro Khanna March 1, “Trump will be the GOP nominee and we must stop him,”, I would like the opportunity to reply to his biased opinion. His reasons for supporting Joe Biden are in conflict with most Americans. First, the debacle evacuation that occurred in Afghanistan was Joe’s first mistake. Second, his annihilations of our energy program was his second mistake. Third, his utter contempt for Trump’s successful border policy and subsequent refusal to sign executive orders that would close the border has most Americans angry. That anger has recently swelled up after Laken […]

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