Oak Park Tennis Center Logo

Greetings  ,
Spring is upon us and we have 2 pieces of information to share about OPTC!

1 - Adult Weeknight Tennis Signups
  • If you have not already please sign up now for weeknight tennis at OPTC for 2021 Season.  Cost is $20.  Weeknight leads will reachout via email to communicate
    • Mondays – Women’s Weeknight
    • Tuesdays – Men’s (4.0 and under) Weeknight
    • Wednesdays – Men’s (4.0 and up) Weeknight
    • Thursdays – Mixed Team Weeknight
Sign Up Now

2- Introducing the Kourts App for OTPC (for Court Reservations)

  • OPTC has a new, additional way to reserve court time for 2021.  You can sign through an app on your phone, via the kourts.com website, or just continue to call the OPTC Office to sign up the usual way.  Using the Kourts App is easy to use and only requires you download the app on your iPhone/iPad or Android device and use your email address to sign up.
  • Once you download the app, configure it with your email and phone number.  Your email address that OPTC uses has already been added to the Kourts system for OPTC.
  • If you have any issues or questions, contact the OPTC office info@oakparktennis.com or call 708.366.9652 or stop by the office after playing anytime.
Kourts App
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