Ophelia Dingbatter's News
NO Sermon here, not for church, just jokes and fun for adults.
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 Good Morning, John! Today is Friday, February 15 Time to wear a bit of red to show your support for the troops!  (`v) Ophelia Well, John, what did you get for Valentines Day? A fan wanted to be nice and click me $10 with PayPal. But his PayPal had been used by "She, Who must be Obeyed", and was empty. So instead, he wants me to feel sorry for him. Well, it does not have to be Valentines Day. You can make my day any day of the year by leaving a tip. Today Dear Webby hase to go to Calgary for injections into his eyeballs. That means there won't be a News Letters on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. You get a vacation! Renew / Upgrade 
____________________________________________________ This version is just for testing your email, whether you COULD receive my newsletter or not. If you DO receive this, then you can subscribe to the full version. To keep out little kids, the full version costs one dollar a month or ten dollars a year. PayPal does the age check. You can even use credit or debit cards at PayPal if you don't have a PayPal account yet. Subscribe to the FULL version! _____________________________________________________ Here is ONE of the many jokes from the full version: _____________________________________________________ 5 Nina and Rosey meet for lunch and Nina seems a little depressed. "What's wrong Nina? " asks Rosey. Nina replies, "Well, a friend of mine set me up on a blind date and I told her the criteria I was looking for in a man. " "Yeah, so, whats the problem?" asks Rosey. "Well, " Nina said, "My friend must have misunderstood me, cause the guy that showed up was as smart as a horse and hung like Einstein!" =====================================================

Enjoy! (`v) Ophelia
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Enjoy! Ophelia
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Ophelia Dingbatter
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