In this issue, April 11, 2023 View it in your browser.

OpenAI GPT-4, GitHub SBOM Export, eBPF, Kafka at Cloudflare, The Web's Next Transition, Java Virtual Threads, EF Core 8, JS Import Maps, Full-Stack Engineering, Swift 5.8, Airbnb at Scale, SRE Adoption

QCon New York (June 13-15): Last chance to secure early bird pricing. Book before April 18.

Get up-to-speed on the new trends, techniques and ways of working being applied by people just like you. Tracks include; Architectural Blueprints Of Real World Machine Learning Systems, MLOps, Next-Gen Fintech: Performance, Complexity & Privacy, Optimising Teams for Fast Flow, Connecting Distributed Systems: APIs done right, Next in Cloud Native Development, and more!

Secure your spot by April 18 to save $630 off the full-price ticket. Register now!

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Building field-level lineage for modern data systems

Lineage is a critical component of any root cause, impact analysis, and overall analytics heath assessment workflow. But it hasn’t always been easy to create. In this session, you'll tackle this challenge head-on by leveraging some of the most popular tools in the modern data stack including dbt, Airflow, Snowflake, and others. Live Webinar, April 13th, 2023 — Save Your Seat.

Software Architecture and Design InfoQ Trends Report - April 2023

This article provides an overview of how the InfoQ editorial team sees the Software Architecture and Design topic evolving in 2023, with a focus on what architects are designing for today. (Trends Report)

Moving from Technical Contributor to People Leader with Lena Reinhard

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Lena Reinhard about new skills that are needed when moving from an individual contributor role to a people leader, communicating outside of engineering and the layoffs in tech. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. AI, ML & Data News Roundup: OpenAI’s GPT-4, Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel, Meta SAM and BloombergGPT

OpenAI Announces GPT-4, Their Next Generation GPT Model

OpenAI recently announced GPT-4, the next generation of their GPT family of large language models (LLM). GPT-4 can accept both text and image inputs and outperforms state-of-the-art systems on several natural language processing (NLP) benchmarks. The model also scored in the 90th percentile on a simulated bar exam. (News)


  1. GitHub Adds SBOM Export to Make it Easier to Comply with Security Requirements

  2. Amazon GuardDuty Adds EKS Runtime Monitoring and RDS Protection

The Silent Platform Revolution: How eBPF Is Fundamentally Transforming Cloud-Native Platforms

There is a silent eBPF revolution reshaping platforms and the cloud-native world in its image, and this is its story. (Article)

When DevOps Meets Security to Protect Software

Security can no longer be an afterthought in the software development process. Collaboration between security and development needs to happen early to be effective. (Article)


  1. Microsoft Enhances Azure Learning with Learn Rooms

  2. Azure Previews ND H100 V5 Virtual Machines to Accelerate Generative AI

  3. Google Announces Preview of AlloyDB Omni: Run a PostgreSQL-Compatible Database Anywhere

Tales of Kafka at Cloudflare: Andrea Medda and Matt Boyle at QCon London

At QCon London, Andrea Medda, senior systems engineer at Cloudflare, and Matt Boyle, engineering manager at Cloudflare, shared the lessons their platform services team learned from enabling the use of Apache Kafka at the scale of 1 trillion messages. (News)

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SQL to NoSQL: Architectural Differences

Read this paper to understand SQL to NoSQL architectural differences, the tradeoffs between flexibility, scale, and cost, and considerations for successful SQL to NoSQL migrations. Download now.


  1. Why Technical Experience Matters: Sven Reimers at QCon London

  2. The Web's Next Transition: Kent C. Dodds at QCon London

Open Source Git Project Releases Version 2.40

Recently, the open-source Git project released its latest version 2.40, bringing some new features and bug fixes. Highlights of this release include updates to git jump tool, enhancements to cat-file tool, and faster response on Windows. (News)

Sponsored by Curity


Decentralized Identity and Verifiable Credentials

Explore the future of digital identity and learn how to connect decentralized identity and verifiable credentials with API security. Join the webinar.


  1. JEP 444: Virtual Threads Arrive in JDK 21, Ushering a New Era of Concurrency

  2. Java News Roundup: JDK 21 Release Schedule, Payara Platform, JBang, JHipster, WildFly

Migrate a RMI-Based Legacy Application to WebSocket

Technical debt, especially in enterprise software, is a relevant problem that developers recurrently have to face. This article provides a use case related to removing technical debt in a large enterprise application based on an old fashioned Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol, and migrating it toward modern cloud-aware communication technologies. (Article)

Sponsored by Microsoft


[eBook] Code, Deploy, and Scale Java Your Way

Learn how Microsoft Azure makes Java developers as efficient and productive as possible, letting them continue working the same way they do today — using the tools and software of their choice — while leveraging the power of managed services in the cloud. Download Now.


  1. Visual Studio 2022 v17.6 Preview 2: Productivity, Game Development and Enterprise Management

  2. Entity Framework Core 8 Preview 2 Released

Microsoft Showcases Reliable Web App Patterns for Resilient Cloud Applications

Microsoft has shared the source code and the documentation for the Reliable Web App pattern, a set of best practices that help on-premise web application developers create secure, reliable and cost-optimised cloud applications in Azure with minimal changes. (News)


  1. Import Maps, Now Available in All Browsers, Improves Module Resolution in JavaScript

  2. New Rust-Based Web Bundler Rspack Touts up to 10X Speed Improvement over Webpack

  3. Web Framework Astro Now Features Static, Server, and Hybrid Rendering for Faster Web Sites

Everyone Can Be a Full-Stack Engineer

Alex Cole discusses dynamic web apps, how serverless solutions compare to in-house stacks, and how product development changes when individual engineers can own features, end-to-end? (Presentation with transcript included)
Level-up on key topics like this at QCon. Attend QCon New York software development conference (June 13-15, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.

Swift 5.8 Adds Function Back-Deployment and Upcoming Feature Support

The latest release of Swift introduces support for piecemeal adoption of upcoming features, which allows developers to start using new features that will become stable in Swift 6. Additionally, it opens the way for making new features retroactively available in earlier OSes. (News)

Airbnb at Scale: From Monolith to Microservices

Selina Liu discusses what it takes to decompose a large and complex monolith into independent, performant services, and how Airbnb continues to evolve and scale the new architecture. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Improving Web Accessibility with Semantic HTML and Testing Techniques and Tools

Assessing Organizational Culture to Drive SRE Adoption 

SRE adoption is greatly influenced by the organizational culture at hand. This article describes how to assess the organizational culture in terms of production operations at the beginning of the SRE transformation. It provides a roadmap of small culture changes accumulating over time, and shows how the leadership facilitated the necessary culture changes (Article)

Modeling Patterns for Digital Transformation

Asif Iqbal discusses understanding the consumer segment and needs, alignment with cross-functional teams, influencing and coaching changes, communicating often & celebrating success. (Presentation with transcript included)

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