In this issue, March 26, 2024 View it in your browser.

OpenAI Debugger, Redesigning OLTP, Cloudflare Pingora, Understanding Platforms, Amazon RDS, Daytona, eBay and GenAI, Java 22, .NET Smart Components, Wear OS, Expedia Micro Frontends, Cellular Architecture, Leading Tech People

Discover best practices to Secure Web Applications at InfoQ Dev Summit Boston (24-25 June)

Join Loiane Groner, Development Manager at Citibank, for a session on application security essentials. Discover secure coding best practices, thorough input validation, strategic error handling and logging, safe file upload management, and much more at InfoQ Dev Summit Boston.


Sponsored by Hazelcast

Evaluating Stream Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Guide for Enterprise Architects - Sponsored by Hazelcast

Evaluating Stream Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Guide for Enterprise Architects

Use this ebook as your guide for evaluating stream processing technologies, especially for operational workloads that deliver instant action. Learn about the important topics that help you plan for applications that automate certain decisions (e.g., fraud detection) and thus respond immediately to time-sensitive events. Download Now.

Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot - Version 2

Starting your first project with Spring Boot can be a bit 
daunting given the vast options that it provides. This updated version of the book 
will guide you step by step along the way to be a Spring Boot 
hero in no time.


The State of Agile in 2024

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Joyce Tompsett about the 17th State of agile report. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Vesuvius Challenge Winners Use AI to Read Ancient Scroll

  2. OpenAI Releases Transformer Debugger tool

Redesigning OLTP for a New Order of Magnitude

Joran Greef discusses TigerBeetle, a new database, and why OLTP has a growing impedance mismatch, why the OLTP workload is becoming more contentious, why row locks, why storage faults, write stalls, and why non-determinism is now a problem. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Temporal

Saga Pattern Made Easy - Sponsored by Temporal

Read Now: Saga Pattern Made Easy

The Saga pattern lets you manage state across distributed transactions. But it’s difficult to build and maintain. Learn how to Automate Saga Pattern with Temporal, the open source durable execution platform.


  1. CNCF Incubates Strimzi to Simplify Kafka on Kubernetes

  2. Actionforge is a VS Code Extension to Build GitHub Workflows Visually

  3. Cloudflare Open Sources Pingora, a Rust framework for Developing HTTP Proxies

  4. GitHub Announces Upgrade to Action Runners with 4-vCPU, 16 GiB Memory

  5. Hubber Codespace Improves Inner-Loop Testing at GitHub

Understanding Platforms: What They Are, Why They Work, When to Use Them, How to Build Them

Hazel Weakly discusses platforms and platform engineering, and what it means to learn, and how collective thought scales across a team, an organization and an industry. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by DoiT

Maximize Your AWS Cost Savings with DoiT - Sponsored by DoiT

Maximize Your AWS Cost Savings with DoiT

Ready to get your AWS cloud spend under control? This guide from the experts at DoiT teaches you how to effectively audit and reduce AWS costs. Get your guide today →


  1. Google Cloud Launches Security Command Center Enterprise

  2. Oracle Announces Oracle Cloud Native 1.8, Supports ARM and Kubernetes 1.28

  3. Transitioning Discord’s Engineering Team to Cloud Development Environments

Amazon RDS Introduces Faster Storage for High-Performance Database Workloads

AWS has recently introduced support for io2 Block Express volumes on Amazon RDS. Priced as the existing Provisioned IOPS (PIOPS) io1, the new io2 Block Express volumes are compatible with all database engines and are designed for high-performance, high-throughput, and low-latency database workloads. (News)


  1. Development Environment Manager Daytona Now Open Source

  2. eBay’s Lessons Learned about Generative AI in Software Development Productivity

Zero-Knowledge Proofs for the Layman

This article will introduce you to zero-knowledge proofs, a kind of cryptography you can use to provide the proof you know a secret, such as a private key or the solution to a problem, without ever sharing it to an interested party. While many articles exist on the topic, this will not require any high math knowledge. (Article)

Sponsored by Hasura

Taming Microservices Complexity with a Supergraph Architecture - Sponsored by Hasura

Taming Microservices Complexity with a Supergraph Architecture

Microservices are a popular counter to the monolith. But as their use has expanded, so has the complexity and tangled mess of enterprise architectures. In this presentation, Hasura CEO and co-founder Tanmai Gopal discusses why architects are rethinking the way they build, maintain and integrate microservices. Watch Now On-Demand.


  1. WildFly 31 Delivers Support for Jakarta EE 10 and the New WildFly Glow Provisioning Tools

  2. Java News Roundup: New JEP Drafts, Infinispan 15, Payara Platform, Alpaquita Containers with CRaC

Java 22 Delivers Foreign Memory & Memory API, Unnamed Variables & Patterns, and Return of JavaOne

Oracle has released version 22 of the Java programming language and virtual machine. As the first non-LTS release since JDK 21, the final feature set includes 12 JEPs. Two of these - Foreign Function & Memory API and Unnamed Variables & Patterns - have completed their respective rounds of previews and are now finalized. (News)

Microsoft Introduces .NET Smart Components: AI-Powered UI Controls

Microsoft recently introduced .NET Smart Components, UI controls which offer AI-powered features to boost development productivity within .NET applications. According to Microsoft, these components are designed to simplify the integration of AI capabilities into existing .NET applications, requiring as stated, minimal effort from developers. (News)

Wear OS Gets New, More Efficient Text-to-Speech Engine

Google has announced a new text-to-speech engine for Wear OS, its Android variant aimed at smartwatches and other wearables, supporting over 50 languages and faster than its predecessor thanks to using smaller ML models. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Expedia Speeds up Flights Search with Micro Frontends and GraphQL Optimizations

  2. Eric Evans Encourages DDD Practitioners to Experiment with LLMs

Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

Cellular architecture is a design pattern that helps achieve high availability in multi-tenant applications. The goal is to design your application so that you can deploy all of its components into an isolated "cell" that is fully self-sufficient. It can benefit your customers regarding availability and ensure you hit your SLAs. (Article)

Relational Data at the Edge: How Cloudflare Operates Distributed PostgreSQL Clusters

Explore Cloudflare's distributed PostgreSQL clusters and learn how a cross-region architecture ensures resilience. Discover how data storage and access at the edge deliver massive performance gains by reducing location-sensitive latency and why architecting for degraded states is much harder than for failure states. (Article)

Building a Large Scale Real-Time Ad Events Processing System

Chao Chu provides insights and practical knowledge for building streaming pipelines for an ad platform. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Fostering an Experimentation Culture in Software Development

Leading Tech People or Remaining a Software Engineer: What to Choose? Panel Discussion

In this virtual panel, we explore what made people decide to become a leader and how they did it, and we'll find out if we really have to leave tech forever or if there's a way back into engineering. (Article)

The Decision Buy-In Algorithm

John Riviello covers key aspects for success, lessons from early mistakes, signs that the decision-making process used is working effectively, and how to leverage the AHP to make decisions. (Presentation with transcript included)

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Free Resources | Grow your Product Ownership Skills - Sponsored by

Free Resources | Grow your Product Ownership Skills

Product Ownership requires a set of skills and capabilities to reach the goals of a product organization. This set of resources can help you. Find resources now.

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documentDeep Dive into the Architecture of a NoSQL Database Indexing Engine (On-demand webinar) - Watch Now