Dear John, With only two weeks left in our 20th anniversary campaign, OCW needs your support. OCW will always be here, and we want to make it better for you and the millions of your fellow learners like Ayodele and Isaac, who use the knowledge and resources shared by OCW to achieve their goals:
“It has enriched my knowledge. It has emboldened my confidence. It has also increased my zeal and determination to actualize my dream of owning a unique private school that is skill-acquisition focused.” -Ayodele, Independent Learner, Nigeria “It completely defined my career and my life. I consider Professor Guttag to be the person who taught me how to code, and I'm forever grateful for his lectures and problem sets in his intro to python course...I think his course did two super important things for me. It helped me bootstrap myself with enough knowledge to get a job in software and it planted the seed for my love of computer science.” -Isaac, Independent Learner, US
Will you support our continued efforts to freely share knowledge with anyone who wants to learn?
We still need 450 people to give before our fundraising deadline on June 30. Your contribution will help us keep OCW free and growing, and sustains our vision for the next generation of OpenCourseWare. Thank you for being a friend to OCW and open sharing. Curt Newton Director, MIT OpenCourseWare
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