Canada’s boreal forest, the largest intact forest ecosystem on Earth, is being clear-cut to make toilet paper. -- Read and share our stories.
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At Last, the Reckoning...

"For anyone who cares about the climate crisis, public lands, clean air and water, or any other environmental issue, Donald Trump’s policies have been catastrophic," says Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune. "But horrible though they are, Trump’s policies are not why the Sierra Club supports the impeachment inquiry now underway in the House of Representatives."

Here’s why.

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Photo by AP Photo/Jason Decro

Thunberg Lights Up the United Nations

Greta Thunberg’s appearance last month at the United Nations was nothing short of electrifying. The 16-year-old climate activist from Sweden nearly broke the internet with her impassioned condemnation of the adults in the room. “You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” she thundered. “The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.” Thunberg has been the target of President Trump’s ire on Twitter ever since.

But how did the assembled delegates respond?

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Podcast: This Is What the Climate Strike Sounded Like

The Sierra Club's podcast, The Overstory, is back, and we're opening our fall season with a dispatch from the historic climate strikes that took place in September. We'll also take listeners to the White Mountains of New Hampshire, where we feed Oreos to a bear (in the name of science, of course!) and talk to a West Virginia woman who’s using her singing voice as a vehicle for environmental activism.

Sit a spell. Take your shoes off. Y’all listen up now, y’hear?

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Le Bateau Ivre, acrylic on canvas, 2015 by Prejac

Activism Through Illustration

The provocative drawings of Barcelona-based street artist Pejac depict a world where humans and nature collide with surreal and destructive consequences.

We picked 8 of our favorites.

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The Oceans Need Us. Here’s How We Can Help.

The High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy has just released a report with a list of actions we can take to protect the world's oceans as the climate crisis accelerates. According to the report, there's still time to act—but it needs to happen fast.

Here’s what they say we need to do.

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Photo by qin

Stop Flushing Our Forests

Canada’s boreal forest, the largest intact forest ecosystem on Earth, is being clearcut to make toilet paper. One million acres are clearcut every year, in part to make products for Procter & Gamble. It’s time for P&G to be an industry leader by reducing its reliance on clearcut trees and using more recycled content and alternative fibers in its tissue products.

Tell Procter & Gamble to clean up its act.

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Tell Amazon and eBay: Enough With the Skin Lighteners

Colorism, the racist notion that lighter skin is somehow more desirable, shouldn’t be compounded by exposure to toxics. Sadly, colorism remains pervasive in this country, leading many women of color to buy skin-lightening products on Amazon and eBay. In so doing, they unwittingly exposing themselves to toxic substances such as mercury, sometimes at thousands of times the legal limit.

Tell Amazon and eBay to stop selling toxic skin-lightening creams.


Setting the Record Straight on Rainforest Ruination

CNN en Español, which broadcasts to the entire Western Hemisphere, invited Javier Sierra, the Sierra Club’s associate director of communications for Latino media, to respond to Brazilian foreign minister Ernesto Araujo’s attempts to justify President Jair Bolsonaro's ruinous policies in the Amazon. Bolsonaro’s slash-and-burn approach has resulted in more than 80,000 fires in the world’s largest rainforest.

Watch to hear Sierra’s rebuttal to the distortions of “the Brazilian Trump.”

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Author Jonathan Safran Foer | Photo by Jeff Mermelstein

Jonathan Safran Foer's Weather Manifesto

The author of Eating Animals talks with Sierra magazine about his new book, We Are the Weather, which explores eco-virtue, eco-guilt, and the best ways individuals can help move the needle on climate action.

Find out why Foer believes there’s a chasm between what we know—that global warming is a human-caused catastrophe—and what we do.

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Photo courtesy of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter

Hands Across the Appalachian Trail

The Sierra Club’s Virginia Chapter helped organize and host three events at junctures along the Appalachian Trail in Virginia where the trail is under threat from fracked-gas pipelines. “The Appalachian Trail is sacred ground,” says Sierra Club volunteer leader Kirk Bowers. “This is about a national treasure being threatened by the fossil fuel industry.”

Find out how you can help protect the East’s most hallowed hiking trail.

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Outdoors for All

The Outdoors for All Act, now before Congress, would create more and better opportunities for outdoor recreation, which is especially important for low-income communities and communities of color that lack easy access to the benefits that nature provides. The bill would codify the National Park Service’s Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership program to promote the development of green space and equitable access to parks and recreation areas.

Urge your representative to cosponsor the Outdoors for All Act.

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Photo by Amelia Tabullo

Team Sierra’s First-Ever City Hike a Success!

On Saturday, September 29, some 115 Sierra Club members and supporters from the Greater Los Angeles area took to the streets to hike a collective 500+ miles through Koreatown and downtown LA. Together, they raised more than $25,000 to support the national Sierra Club’s priority campaigns and the Angeles Chapter’s clean air initiatives.

Read more and check out our photos from Team Sierra’s debut urban hike.

Book your trip today!
Photo by Rebecca Dameron

Winter Journeys

There’s snow time like wintertime. Cross-country ski through frozen landscapes in New York State’s Adirondacks, view winter wildlife and soak in natural hot springs in Yellowstone National Park, behold the northern lights amid winter activities in the heart of Alaska, and more.

See all snow trips and sign up.

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Winona LaDuke, Terry Tempest Williams, and Bill McKibben are among the featured speakers at the 2019 Bioneers Conference. Get your tickets today!

Bioneers Conference

Feeling despondent about the state of the world? Don’t be! Bioneers connects you with solutions for our most pressing social and environmental challenges. Join us & engage with 200+ speakers, including Terry Tempest Williams, Bill McKibben, Winona LaDuke, Paul Hawken, Kali Akuno, Valerie Kaur and more. Tickets going fast for the 30th Bioneers Conference.

Sierra Club members and supporters get 15% off the ticket price with the code SierraMember. Register now,

Register today!

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