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by Stephen Downes
Nov 30, 2016

Developing a Personal Learning Infrastructure
Stephen Downes, Nov 30, 2016, OEB 2016, Berlin, Germany

In this workshop we examine the various parts of a personal learning environment and moot the development of a PLE architecture.

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Personal learning environments and technologies
Stephen Downes, Nov 30, 2016, Impuls, Berlin, Germany

This presentation looks at the current trends in learning technology - competencies, personalization, and innovation. It casts them in a sceptical light, explaining and then challenging the presuppositions underlying them. It proposes an alternative 'personal learning', describes technologies supporting it, and outlines a framework for technology and pedagogy development in this environment.

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Experts Debate the Impact of MOOCs on Education
Devon Haynie, US News & World Report, 2016/11/30


You'd think that with this result we could just shelve the stories about MOOCs for a decade. But what are the odds of that happening? "The lessons learned are still coming," says Joel Hartman, an administrator at the ​University of Central Florida and president of the Sloan Consortium, an organization that promotes effective online learning. "I don't think you are going ​to be seeing a very broad impact on what is learned from MOOCs for at least a decade."

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