Dear John, We are living in unprecedented times that have brought new challenges for learners and teachers worldwide, including here at MIT. As I shared in a recent video message with the OCW community, use of OCW by learners around the world has nearly doubled since the start of the pandemic. We have also been hearing from so many learners expressing their gratitude for OCW’s resources in these unusual times of learning. Our commitment is that OCW is here for you during this time, and whenever you might need it. Donations from learners like you help us sustain and grow our resources. And with so many learners turning to OCW there has never been a more important time to give. If you can afford to, please support OCW with a gift. I know this is a difficult time for many, so please give only if you can and know that every gift counts for OCW. Thank you for learning with us. Sincerely, Krishna Krishna Rajagopal Dean for Digital Learning, Open Learning William A. M. Burden Professor of Physics MIT
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