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Oculus streamlines how companies can create VR and 360-degree content for PC, mobile, and headsets

At Oculus Connect 3, Facebook unveiled a slew of new updates to the Oculus platform that included features to make VR more accessible to the many businesses that are already investing in it.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Google Assistant: The smart person's guide

How Honda's F1 race engines use IBM Watson to analyze data, boost efficiency, and shape strategies

How IBM Watson expanded its repertoire to become a virtual job trainer

Can tech help shift the focus of health care from illness to wellness?

The 'senior cyborgs' are coming: How tech is changing what it means to grow old

How tech can help seniors 'age in place,' save money, and be independent

Poll: What business technology issue matters most in this election?

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Do you think SaaS can help your company reach financial and business objectives? Tell us, and enter to win $100.

Featured multimedia

Video: Why enterprise security isn't ready for AI...yet

Carson Sweet, CTO of CloudPassage, spoke with TechRepublic about why he believes AI is just the latest 'shiny object' in security, and isn't fully ready for the enterprise.

Video: How IBM is using Watson to improve its approach to cybersecurity

IBM Security's Diana Kelley talked to TechRepublic about new trends in cybersecurity hiring and how IBM is using cognitive computing to improve security offerings.

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Own Your Defense: Network-Based Security from Level 3

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Brief: Top 10 Facts Every I&O Pro Should Know About Cloud Economics

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Communicate Simply - Migrate Confidently

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A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Tech Budgets 2017: A CXO's Guide

Read our original research on where organizations are spending their tech budgets in 2017 and what their top priorities are. We also provide practical advice on how to put your IT dollars to good use.

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