Dear NSC community, Here is our October NSC Update with NSC-related activities. Feel free to share the information with your colleagues and invite them to directly join the community by subscribing to the NSC mailing list. We are happy to share with you the redesigned NSC logo: the colour is web-optimised, the font is cleaned and lost its serif-style, and the icon is also optimised following graphic standards.The logo will be uploaded to the website in different formats (pdf, svg, png). We will inform you when this happens. It would be great, if you could let us know, whenever you use the NSC logo (e.g., in presentations, posters, websites, newsletters, etc.). Furthermore, we ask you to report your project related citable research output, either through adding the publications directly to the NSC Group in Zotero or by sending us the citation of your publications to [email protected]. Sincerely,
NSC team |