Dear NSC community, Here is the February NSC News Update 2025 with community related activities and events. On 10 July 2025 (11:30-13:00 EEST, tbc), as part of the NN25, the NSC will organise a Pitch Session! Abstracts submission deadline for the NSC Community pitches: 14th March 2025 . More information below, in the "Events section". The NSC LinkedIn handle has changed - Stay connected and follow our latest updates under @NSC Community!! All publications up to 2025 are now available on the NSC webpage!
Sincerely, The NSC team |
| Updates of the US-EU NanoEHS CORs community The meeting summary and presentations from the 2024 annual workshop, past 16 October 2024 in Dübendorf (Zurich), are now available on the workshop webpage. |
| IAM-I Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda published The IAM-I association has published the Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) which was prepared and evaluated by the AMI2030-initiative, complemented by several AdMa-experts and cross-sectorial groups e.g., the NSC-community, SusChem, etc. The SRIA identifies R&I priorities in advanced materials relevant to achieve a successful European twin & digital transition with a special focus on the areas of energy, mobility, construction & electronics. A milestone for the future funding of R&D&I in the field of Advanced and Innovative Materials. Read it here. |
| | Release of the 2024 update to the NNI NanoEHS Research Strategy Serveral NSC Community projects are referenced in the National Nanotechnology Initiative EHS:2024 Update, as one of the notable projects developing innovative approaches to read-across & grouping for nanomaterials that could significantly inform and enhance NNI's strategy! Congrats to the H2020 projects Gracious, HARMLESS, and SUNSHINE for their work and recognition! The NNI EHS Research Strategy: 2024 Update serves as a revision of the original 2011 strategy. It highlights the progress achieved in meeting the research goals outlined in 2011 and identifies strategic priorities to address ongoing, unmet, and emerging challenges for the responsible development of nanotechnology. Read it here. |
| 2nd Newsletter of CheMatSustain CheMatSustain is all about understanding how nanotechnology can be a game-changer and why it's so important to use Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) approaches to make sure nanomaterials and nanotechnology are safe and eco-friendly. Read its 2nd newsletter here, full with project updates, insights and trends. |
| | NAMs4NANO as ongoing project We are pleased to welcome the EFSA-funded project NAMs4NANO to the NSC community. Under the name "Integration of New Approach Methodologies results in chemical risk assessments: Case studies addressing nanoscale considerations", the project aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities, challenges and remaining uncertainties when using NAMs in the risk assessment of nanomaterials in the food and feed sector. Read more about it here. |
| Recordings from the online Workshop on "Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials" are available now The 2nd Joint online Workshop on ‘Harmonisation & Standardisation of Test Methods for Nanomaterials and Advanced Materials’, hosted by the four sister projects MACRAMÉ, iCare, nanoPASS and ACCORDs in collaboration with the Malta Initiative, on 18-19 November 2024, was a great success! The two workshop days focussed on next generation risk assessment, computational methods and the assessment of complex samples along the life cycle. Recordings are available here. |
| | IRISS SSbD Community – Recordings of the webinar on value chain case studies available On 6th February 2025, the IRISS project organised webinar on SSbD Industry Case Studies, where seven industry case studies in seven different sectors on Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design were presented. The recordings are now available in the IRISS SSbD Community. Please, note that you need to register first as a member of the IRISS SSbD Community in order to access the platform and its content. This can be done here. |
With Konstantina Koutsiara and Maria Kotzagianni Stakeholder engagement plays a pivotal role in ensuring the successful implementation of safety and sustainability initiatives. In this interview, Konstantina Koutsiara and Maria Kotzagianni, from Hypertech, discuss their involvement in the SUNRISE project, where they lead efforts to foster meaningful stakeholder participation in developing the Integrated Impact Assessment Approach (IIAA). They highlight key engagement strategies, including interactive workshops, online surveys, and virtual collaboration spaces, to integrate diverse perspectives into the project’s outcomes. Emphasizing transparency, tailored communication, and storytelling, they aim to create an inclusive and impactful approach to safety and sustainability. Read the whole interview here. |
| With Dr Lisa Pizzol In this interview, Dr. Lisa Pizzol, CEO of GreenDecision, shares her insights on the SUNRISE project and its role in operationalizing the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework. As leader of Work Package 1 (WP1), she oversees the development of the Integrated Impacts Assessment Approach (IIAA), which integrates safety, environmental, social, and economic impacts using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methodologies. She highlights the project's collaborative approach, engaging experts and stakeholders to refine assessment methodologies and ensure alignment with the European Commission’s SSbD framework. Dr. Pizzol also discusses key challenges, including the need for tiered assessments, data integration, and decision-support mechanisms to balance safety and sustainability in materials innovation. Read the whole interviewhere. |
| HARMLESS Final Webinar After four years of hard work, the EU funded project HARMLESS is organising its Final Webinar, presenting its major achievements. Join on 11th March 2025 at 14:00 – 15:30h CET for an engaging webinar that showcases the key outcomes of the project, with a special focus on their Safe and Sustainable Innovation Approach and their innovative Decision Support System. In addition, the webinar will feature dynamic pitch presentations of other project results, offering a comprehensive view of the progress made (e.g., NAMs, Predictive modelling, Data integration, analysis and visualization, Early Warning System for regulatory preparedness, etc.). Register here now! Agenda and further information are available here. |
| | Welcome message from Lya Hernandez as new co-chair of this WG We are pleased to welcome Lya Soeteman-Hernandez as new co-chair of the Working Group “Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD), Innovation & Regulation”. Read her welcome words to the NSC community here. |
| | Welcome message from Irini Furxhi as new co-chair of this WG We are delighted to welcome Irini Furxhi as new co-chair of the Working Group “Research Output management, FAIRness & sharing”. Read her welcome words to the NSC community here. |
| MACRAMÉ Webinar III "Overcoming issues in regulatory testing of advanced materials", 4 March 2025, 14:00-16:00h CET, onlineHARMLESS Final Webinar, 11 March 2025, 14:00-15:30h CET, online – showcasing the key outcomes (e.g., HARMLESS Safe and Sustainable Innovation Approach (SSIA), HARMLESS Decision Support System (DSS), and much more (NAMs, Predictive modelling, Data integration, analysis and visualization, Early Warning System for regulatory preparedness, etc.). Registration open now!IRISS webinar on "Accelerating the Transition with SSbD materials, products and processes", 25 March 2025, 14:00-17:00h CET, online – Explorie how Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) can drive innovation and competitiveness in European industry. Register now.3rd ELIXIR Toxicology Community workshop, 26-27 March 2025, Uppsala, Sweden – Join the ELIXIR Toxicology Community in a two-day free of charge workshop at the SciLifeLab, under the title Making toxicology tools more accessible and interoperable. Registration open (limited number of places!)SETAC Europe 25, 11-15 May 2025, Vienna, Austria EU IndTech 2025, 2-4 June 2025, Kraków, Poland – AVISO: NSC activities in the frame of EU IndTech25 on June 2nd and 3rd! AIT 2025 conference, 3-5 June 2025, Milton Keynes, UK1st Sustainable Engineering Systems (SUSTENS) meeting, 4-5 June 2025, online – Abstract submission deadline is 28 February 2025.EU Industry Days 2025, 5-6 June 2025, Rzeszów, PolandVenice Training School 2025, 9-13 June 2025, Venice, Italy – SAVE THE DATE – 13th Venice Training School - “Innovating with Purpose: A Hands-on Journey into Functional, Safe and Sustainable Advanced Materials” at Auditorium Santa Margherita of Universitá Ca’Foscari. Registration and more information coming soon!Joint Regulatory Risk Assessors Summit – Advancing Safety & Sustainability Assessment of Advanced Materials, 19-20 June 2025, at the OECD in Paris, France – SAVE THE DATE nanotexnology 2025, 5-12 July 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece – AVISO: NSC activities in the frame of NN25 on July 10th!22nd International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN25), 8-11 July 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece On 10 July 2025 (11:30-13:00 EEST, tbc), as part of the NN25, the NSC will organise a Pitch Session! Join us for an engaging 90-minute session featuring project-related presentations in the style of pitches. We specifically invite early career researchers (ECRs), but everyone is welcome! This dynamic event will showcase up to 15 pitches, providing a platform for projects results, innovative ideas, and cutting-edge research. Moderator: Cris Rocca (University of Birmingham) Don't miss this opportunity. Mark your calendars and send us an email at [email protected] if you are interested in being part of it. Abstracts submission deadline for the NSC Community pitches: 14th March 2025 - Abstract format: 1page max., with or without images. 7th International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering (ICNBME-2025), 7-10 October 2025, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova – Deadline for paper submission is 25 April 2025SSbD25, 10-12 November 2025, Zürich, Switzerland – SAVE THE DATE EuroTox2026, 13-16 September 2026, Vienna, Austria – SAVE THE DATE ESTIV 2026 Congress - 23rd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro, 28 June – 2 July 2026, Maastricht, Netherlands | Feel free to share the information with your colleagues and invite them to directly join the nanosafety community by subscribing to the NSC mailing list. Furthermore, we ask you to report your project related citable research output. Supported output includes journal articles, project deliverables, data, software releases, books and book chapters, and basically anything else with a DOI. You can get a DOI with online repositories like Zenodo (presentations, data, software, preprints, etc). This has the added benefit that you can link this research output via OpenAIRE to your EU grant in CORDIS. Get listed on the NSC website by sending us the citation of your publications to [email protected]. If you would like to send us any news and events for the NSC website and/or for the monthly NSC update, please send them to [email protected](including all your pictures in 1280x720 as attachment) by 20 March 2025, 12:00 p.m. CET at the latest. |
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