Team Clark Survey: Financial Resolutions Happy New Year! As we celebrate the beginning of 2023, many of us create goals to improve ourselves and our lives. What is your financial New Year's resolution for 2023? Let us know by using this form. Your response may be included in Friday's newsletter!
Stat of the Day 2008: The last time the U.S. stock market performed as poorly as it did in 2022 based on the three major indexes. The Dow Jones (-8.8%), S&P 500 (-19.4%) and Nasdaq (-33.1%) all finished the year on a down note. Today marks the first day of stock trading in 2023.
Clark Stinks! and The Dangerous Cell Phone Scam Everyone Needs To Know Christa reads the latest "Clark Stinks!" submissions and Clark responds. Also, there's a really dangerous cell phone scam that can impact nearly anyone. Here are the steps you need to take to protect yourself.