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A New Future for Veterans and Prostate Cancer

ZERO Prostate Cancer Veterans, In Partnership with Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness

The statistics are staggering — did you know that prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer within the Veterans Health Administration system?

ZERO is launching a Veterans initiative to expand awareness for those who have or are at risk of the disease, and to increase treatment efficiencies within the VHA. On Wednesday, November 13, ZERO launched this new initiative by bringing together Congressional leaders, Veterans, and advocates on Capitol Hill.

At the event, ZERO Champion and Navy Veteran Mike Crosby spoke of his battle with the disease and how he and his organization, Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness, are folding into ZERO to join forces for this cause. Patrice Brown, ZERO's VP of Patient Programs and Advocacy, outlined ZERO's plan for helping Vets with the disease, and Congressman Neal Dunn of Florida (a former urologist) spoke of the importance of early detection. Additionally, Rachel Ramoni, Chief of Research and Development at Veterans Affairs, spoke of what the VA and VHA are doing to aid its prostate cancer patients.

Watch a recording of yesterday's event to learn more about how prostate cancer impacts members of the military. If you are a Veteran affected by prostate cancer or know someone who is, email us at to share your story.

About the Veterans Initiative

Growing and Giving Takes Off!

Beard up. Speak out. Let's do some good.

WOW! We’re only halfway through November and this year’s Grow & Give campaign to end prostate cancer is already breaking records! More than 70 teams from around the WORLD are fighting prostate cancer with their follicles. Because of them, we’ve already raised over $73,000!

Follow ZERO on social media to check out what teams and individuals are atop the fundraising leaderboard this week. And it’s never too late to join Grow & Give in support for the 1 in 9 American men affected by prostate cancer by challenging friends, co-workers, and family members to grow facial hair with you.

And we want to see your cHAIRYitable new look! Send photos of your sweet ‘stache or bountiful beard to!

Beard up and do good

Turn #GivingTuesday Blue

December 3, Turn #GivingTuesday Blue

On December 3, we’re turning the day blue to save men’s lives, and you can help! Did you know that almost half of all #GivingTuesday donors will give because of the recommendation of a friend or loved one? It’s easier than ever to encourage everyone you know to make a life-saving gift in the spirit of the holidays.

In just a couple of seconds, you can donate or create a #GivingTuesday fundraiser that will directly support ZERO's mission to help prostate cancer patients, education, and research. Be sure to tune into ZERO’s Facebook page on December 3 as we go LIVE throughout the day beginning at 9 a.m. EST!

ZERO’s CEO Jamie Bearse and Chapter Directors will be livestreaming from locations across the country to bring you stories from prostate cancer patients, survivors, and loved ones. There will also be some exciting news you won’t want to miss. Mark your calendars in blue for December 3 to donate and share with your network!

Get Ready for #GivingTuesday 2019

Candid Conversations about Sex and Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Uncensored Podcast

The second installment of Prostate Cancer Uncensored – ZERO’s new podcast – features Dr. Rachel Rubin and ZERO CEO Jamie Bearse. Hear from an expert urologic surgeon who has dedicated her career to addressing the often taboo topic of sexual dysfunction.

To help patients who are facing side effects from prostate cancer, their discussion offers straight talk on erectile dysfunction, survivorship, intimacy, and more.

Visit the podcast website to listen online, read a downloadable transcript of the discussion, and find links to subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

Listen to Podcast Episode 2

100 Days Until the 2020 ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit

2020 ZERO Prostate Cancer Summit

Okay, maybe we’re rounding down ever so slightly, but we can’t help it — we’re super excited for the 2020 ZERO Summit! Join fellow prostate cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and advocates in the D.C. area on February 23-25. Hear about the disease from medical and policy experts, engage in interactive roundtables with peers, and learn during breakout sessions on key topics.

At the Summit, you’ll connect with others in the prostate cancer community and get the latest details on new research, wellness, treatments, legislation, and more. Save your spot today!

See you at the Summit!

From the Blog

Run/Walk 2019

You Walked, You Ran, You Made a Difference!

Thank you to the more than 19,000 runners and walkers who came in support of their community to end prostate cancer in 2019. Because of you, more than $4.1 Million dollars has been raised to support men and their families — with more to come! Emily Byrne, ZERO's Midwest Chapter Director, shares how #ZEROproud we are of all the team captains, fundraisers, participants, urology practice hosts, and generous sponsors who made ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk a fantastic success! » See photos and memories of the 2019 Run/Walks

Champions Corner

Mike Crosby

A Man on a Mission

Mike Crosby is a prostate cancer patient, ZERO Champion, and Navy Veteran who travels around the country as the founder of Veterans Prostate Cancer Awareness. Now that Mike and ZERO have officially joined forces, get to know him and his passion to help other veterans who are at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. » Meet Mike, a ZERO's Hero

On the Road

ZERO at the LUGPA Conference

Planes, Trains, and Prostates, Oh My!

This fall, ZERO was representing the needs of prostate cancer patients at key urology conferences across the country. ZERO team members traveled to events such as the Western American Urology Association Meeting in California and the Large Urology Group Practice Association Annual Meeting in Chicago. Follow ZERO on social media to learn more about how we work with urology partners to make a difference! » Follow ZERO on Facebook

Share the Love

Holiday shopping at the ZERO eStore

Your holiday one-stop shop!

On the ZERO day of Christmas my true love gave to me … presents from the ZERO Store! Shop now for stocking stuffers and gifts for those you love this holiday season, and your purchase will go to a good cause, ZERO, of course! Use code ZEROGIFT for 5% off your purchase through December 1. » Give the gift of ZERO

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© 2019 ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer. All rights reserved. ZERO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.