DocCheck News 20.06.2017
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Nociception: More Pain No Gain For Women?
When women and men feel pain, their respective signalling and threshold levels often differ greatly. It is therefore all the more important to take both genders into account in research, both in studies of humans and in those conducted on laboratory animals. more...
Article by Erich Lederer
Narrative Medicine For Social And Physician Wellness
Physician wellness begins in realizing our identity in medicine and society. Shamans, priests, and healers have existed since man began to gather together in social packs. Their unique role of guarding health and wellness was understood as important for the whole of society. more...
Blog entry by Jean Robey, M.D.
Thyroid Surgery - Live!
Sectio chirurgica's second live surgery of this season will be broadcasted on June 22 at 6 pm (CET). This time the League of Surgeons focuses on the thyroid. Follow their InSite to watch the respective preparation videos and learn about diagnostics and more.
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Constipation In Children
Constipation is a very common problem in children and one that is often left untreated by a child's doctor. If a pediatrician or family doctor doesn't sit down and talk with the child and his parent or parents and always take a diet history, the problem can go untreated for a long time. more...
Blog entry by Charlotte Thompson, M.D.
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